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RE: "Coronavirus Is a Bioweapon" - Says US Bioweapon Lawmaker. + Danish Law Allows Forced Vaccinations!

in Conspiracy Realists5 years ago (edited)

I know how vaccines work. You would not normally end up with such an intense focus of disease pathogens and other materials in your blood stream because your body is designed to prevent that. Some researchers have shown that the massive flood of foreign material and the hyper response of the immune system that they trigger has been shown to block small blood vessels in the brain and can cause brain damage / autism. This has been heavily denied.

Do you know why almost all the graphs you will find for cases of measles and other vaccinated diseases start in the mid 1900s and don't show earlier data? See if you can find one that goes back further, they do exist.

Nothing you say will change the reality of the sacredness of personal will and personal health/body. Yes, people make choices that cause harm to themselves and that can actually in some cases spread disease. At the same time, the immune system of most people is massively under-resourced due to a total lack of understanding about their own body/mind/emotions and nutritional requirement. Such a lack of responsibility among the general population is not solved by vaccinations and certainly not by forced vaccinations.

Overpowering the will of people is an area that has been heavily denied and yet has caused more ill health than anything else.


as an individual with autism, i find such claims highly offensive. that one paper was a hoax and proven to be a hoax and was retracted from the journal and scientists got discredited. autism is genetic and the only way to get autism is by being born autistic. also autism does not mean you are less abled, but it simply means you have a different way of thinking. meaning for me it was always easier to do math physics or programming tasks than student peers, and having a focused interest in such tasks helped me improve such skills. autism also needs no cure. if the majority had autism and non autistic people were a minority, then those would be considered "disabled".

they dont really site sources on those plots from before, was data back then even recorded? i wonder how they kept an accurate plot of the measles even through the world wars. i dont think i can trust sites like which is appearantly the only "scientific" institute publishing numbers from before 1950... so lets look at current data. pakistan is famous for its antivaxxer fake news and ranks with gigantic countries like india and african countries where its virtually impossible due to their size to reach every corner with vaccines... china with similar population size with mandatory vaccines are not on the list in the top, but i would not trust a vaccine in china since china is also famous for reselling outdated vaccines

pakistan the free vaccination programs make little progress because of fake news and taliban saying vaccines are haram (mmr vaccines contain something from pig)

Your 'offense' is misplaced here, nothing in my words was offensive or belittling to you or anyone else. In fact, the individual who publicly stated his research into the brain damage alleged to be caused in some cases by vaccines died suspiciously not long after and was not able to fully respond to those who ridiculed him. The reality here is that I have put significant amounts of my own time, for free, into coaching people with autism and they have thanked me greatly for the benefits they have gained from me doing so.

The connection between autism and vaccination is more than just brain damage from hyper-response of the immune system. Here two of the world's leading experts in aluminium state publicly that they have been forced, recently, to change their position on aluminium in vaccines' role in causing autism, due to their own (privately funded) research:



You can view an interview with Professor Exley here

"In addition to the live, attenuated or inactive virus, pathogen or toxoid, the MMR (MMR-II) vaccine contains the following ingredients:

  • chick embryo cell culture
  • WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts
  • vitamins
  • amino acids
  • fetal bovine serum
  • sucrose
  • glutamate
  • recombinant human albumin
  • neomycin
  • sorbitol
  • hydrolyzed gelatin
  • sodium phosphate
  • sodium chloride
    about mmr vaccine ingredients i dont see any aluminium. there is also not any mercury as some other antivaxxers claim.

having autism is also not a worse alternative for children, compared to dying. infact if you get diagnosed early with autism it would be easier to learn those unspoken wierd conventions like looking away every 7 seconds during conversation and then looking back into the eyes, and keeping eyes in a relaxed state during conversation. it is possible to diagnose autism as early as the second month of ones life. its just physical disabilities, despite much less common, are more appearant and people are more aware of them, while having autism its like having social blindness. but im glad u actually put in the efford teaching such social conventions as most neuro typicals (NT) would not even know where to start as these come unnoticed by most NT.

CDC states that the following vaccines contain Aluminium based adjuvants:

Anthrax, DT, DTaP (Daptacel), DTaP (Infanrix), DTaP-IPV (Kinrix), DTaP-IPV (Quadracel), DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix), DTaP –IPV/Hib (Pentacel), Hep A (Havrix), Hep A (Vaqta), Hep B (Engerix-B), Hep B (Recombivax), HepA/Hep B (Twinrix), HIB (PedvaxHIB), HPV (Gardasil 9), Japanese encephalitis (Ixiaro), MenB (Bexsero, Trumenba), Pneumococcal (Prevnar 13), Td (Tenivac), Td (Mass Biologics), Tdap (Adacel), Tdap (Boostrix)

Children today receive a riduculous and extremely dangerous cocktail of vaccines as compared to my generation and before. I assure you that given the research I have done, I am 100% certain that I would choose not to have vaccines and will never have another. I was suicidal for much of my childhood due to immune dysfunction caused by vaccinations which I only managed to resolve after studying the topic in depth and thoroughly detoxing.

which of the vaccines are mandatory or even recommended? i have hepatitis AB vaccine but no idea which but thats because i lived in countries where cases are common.... anthrax though seems very rare though, unless you are a politician targeted by bioterrorism its hard to get anthrax XD... that concludes the deseases i ever heard about. yet i suppose u agree about mmr being safe?

Legislation in different parts of the world makes different demands of people regarding different vaccines. The US is one of the most extreme and also one of places with the lowest level of overall health - which is not random. Numerous specialists and a few studies have made ultra clear that the overall health of vaccinated children is LOWER than those who are unvaccinated.
The pharma industry has always refused to publish studies which directly compare the health of vaccinated to unvaccinated people - however, private funding has allowed this to take place relatively recently.

I do not agree that MMR is safe, no. My understanding is that each of the individual components of MMR, injected separately, with a time gap, is hugely more safe than the combination version which was field tested on living people and caused numerous problems.

XDDD US health system is just wierd, but if u want to fix it, i would suggest to vote bernie sanders

wat health impacts do those specialists claim and wat evidence they show?

and if u take chemicals one chemical at a time you must be sustaining your self from supplements and not eat real food? maybe you only eat soylent? injecting and eating is different only that a lot of chemicals get broken down in the stomach... but whats different from swallowing medicine and injecting medicine? and a lot of these ingredients are also in normal medicine and dont get broken down by acid... its the dummy virus though that would get broken down in your stomach that needs to make it past ur stomach into ur blood, but thats the point of being a dummy virus, too dummy to be infectious enough

actually i just looked over the mmr ingredients and the only chemical i was unfamiliar with was sorbitol and neomycin.

vitamins, glucose, amino acids, sodium cloride, sodium phosphate, gelatine with removed double bonds to make the gelatine less prone to free radicals, should be all natural products. im guessing the amino acids and the salt is there as a buffer to keep the ph at a safe level, meaning if u take the ingredients separately it would kill you by changing the ph of ur blood. sodium phosphate is also in cocacola and most sodas.

sorbitol is natural

neomycin is an antibiotic to prevent the sample to be contaminated i guess...

about those cells, im sure u agree they are natural, and somehow the virus needs to be carried by cells...

actually consider this map from before mid 1950 :D so i guess less deaths occured since the medical system allowed cases to survive more likely and the medical system just improved gradually... but the cases have dropped dramatically

Yes, you can find the data for all infectious diseases going back way before 1900, but you are unlikely to because it is almost never shown. It was at one time on the Swedish government's website, but last time I looked it was impossible to find.
The reason is that the data CLEARLY shows that pretty much all vaccinated diseases were nosediving down to zero before vaccines were invented, due to improved sanitation and general healthcare / nutrition during that period. The less disease pathogens that are in our environment and the better our nutrition, the more effective our own natural immunity is at keeping us clear from disease.

Scarlet fever killed more people than most vaccinated illnesses combined, yet it followed a similar downward trend and moved on to be eradicated. The catch is that there is no vaccine for scarlet fever.

are you sure its mease desease cases and not measle deases deaths? because vaccine only prevent deaths by reducing the number of cases

It is usually claimed that vaccines save lives, but the full data set does not demonstrate that at all. Holistic cellular biology also does not support that claim. How can you be sure a measles vaccine prevents deaths when deaths are already nearly non existent and the trend was continuing downward prior to their adoption?

Look into Scarlet Fever.

about before 1900 they seemed constant for measles

there seems to be a similar trend for scarlet fever?

vaccines also do no cause deaths, and 95% of the people with ONLY 1 mmr shot are immune, hence logically these 95% will not die of measles, which kills 0.2% of people infected and is especially deadly for babies and toddlers. there were people who noticed after the vaccine some alergic response or side effect that can needed to be treated but that was like 1 in 360 000 if i remember correctly... if everyone in the world took the vaccine though now, then the next generation ever would not need to take the vaccine again since then measles would go extinct.

The bottom graph is not labelled - is it for scarlet fever? There is no vaccine for Scarlet fever and yet it was eradicated around the same time as the other diseases.

Vaccines DO cause deaths, this is well known and well documented. Billions of dollars have been paid out in compensation due to vaccine injury and death - even in the face of a situation where vaccines have been given special legal status that prevents their manufacturers from being sued in the normal way. Manufacturers were facing so many cases that they pressured the US gov to change the law or they said they would not be able to continue making/selling vaccines.

What evidence is there that a disease would cease to exist if the whole world were vaccinated for it? Consider that we know for sure that Scarlet fever ceased to exist WITHOUT vaccines.

If people want to VOLUNTARILY be vaccinated, that is up to them. The decision to try to force people to be vaccinated is EXTREMELY EVIL - it is based in fear and a lack of understanding of the nature of life, health and self.

A huge wealth of information and personal tragic stories exists online from the families of victims of vaccine injury, they are not hard to find and they are as heart wrenching as any other story you will see relating to health.
nope scarlet fever vaccine did not exist 1911 and there was between 1924-1945 which was proven to be not effective. treatement against scarlet fever is antibiotics (invented during first world war) and prevented by handwashing and not sharing toothbrushes... i guess the decrease of scarlet fever cases is due to antibiotics not vaccine....

so actually i have now no clue why we even discuss scarlet fever if there is no vaccine?

polio is eradicated from most of the world, and we almost eradicated polio if it werent for the antivaccer taliban. but ye u dont have polio in US anymore for example but in pakistan afghanistan.

last smallpox case was in 1977 thx to vaccine.

deseases that are highly contageous require all to be vacinated in order to eradicate them, why would an individual right to refuse to stop spreading the desease be valued more than the right of a baby to live? in order to reach 95% immunity, for every one person who refuses to vaccinate then 19 other people have to get second mmr vaccine, and there are already some who cant take the vaccine for alergy and health reasons.


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