SEC-S11W1:The most embarrassing moment of my life as a kid or parent

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year


In my childhood I've been through so many embarrassing moment at school, home or elsewhere some I've remembered some I've not but then there is always a way out facing my embarrassing moment.

But in this contest, I'm going to write about my embarrassing moment a parent, I will talk about some scenario I really feel embarrassed as a mother, follow along as I unfold this moment.

Have you ever been embarrassed? tell us the scenario and how you felt.

Yes, it can't be avoided I always feel embarrassed when something that is not suppose to happen is done. I will share two scenarios I felt really embarrassed


My motherhood journey has been going on smooth with many new features and possibly adjustment necessary moves the joy of motherhood not until my daughter start teething. I wasn't prepared for this phase if life and I didn't even know how it looks like, so usually whenever I pack her bag, I will add extra wears for changing incase of anything.

But this faithful day I took just one piece of wear to work and I didn't even know we will be visited by some supervisors in the hospital, teething usually cause a lot of saliva dripping out from her mouth. On this day I forgot carrying enough wears, she wet her tops I wasn't with anyone to change even her mouth bips were all wet and booom!! the supervisors entered they did as if they came to supervise how I'm taking care of my baby.


They ask why I don't go with enough clothes to change as she wet the one she wore I told them I've changed already, they said it is not an excuse that the wet clothes will make the baby have cold as the weather is cold. They caution me and I was embarrassed because those things they said are what I knew already but I didn't see this teething issue coming I wasn't prepared, I don't know how they behave so I was so ashamed of myself 🤦🤦


Second; My happy baby she is always excited and express her excitement by shouting, so during a meeting I attended she shouted out of excitement to a point almost everyone turned back to see if she is fine. To my surprise someone approached me at the end of the meeting to tell me I should not be playing with my baby in the meeting, that there is time for anything ahh! I didn't know what to reply because I was so ashamed of myself even though what she said wasn't true.

Do you think you deserve the embarrassment or it should have been someone else?

Well, I don't wish anyone to be embarrassed that way but then we always make mistake and wish to make possible adjustments when corrected. It is natural to feel ashamed 😉 so we can't avoid it, as for my two scenarios of feeling embarrassed I think we also need to make some adjustments in the way we talk to people or correcting someone. Correction is good but in a loving way not in a way that make the person feel embarrassed.


Therefore, no one deserves to be embarrassed.

What have you done to avoid such a scenario from reoccurring?

For the first scenario, I now go out with extra clothes then with plenty mouth bips and mouth towel to prevent her clothes being wet, this has really help me to keep her warm as the weather is too cold over here now. I appreciate the correction even though it wasn't done the right way.

I bought more mouth bips and mouth towel

For the second scenario, honestly nothing can be done she is a happy baby she expresses her happiness by shouting to the top of her voice.

I will like to invite @pea07 @solperez @adeljose to take part in this contest




Tu bebé es hermosa. La verdad es que uno no desea hacer mal las cosas, y menos si se trata de los cuidados de los niños. Sin embargo, hay personas que nos reprochan cosas que nos avergüenza. Por fortuna, ahora tomas previsiones que antes no tomabas, Gracias por la invitación. Suerte.

 last year 

Yes that's true thank you for responding 🤠


Putri anda terlihat menggemaskan.. Saya juga punya putri kecil seusia putri anda dan saya sangat memahami keadaannya ketika tumbuh gigi, ini adalah hal yang tidak menyenangkan.
Saya berharap anda akan mempunyai perbekalan yang cukup di lain waktu.. ☺️
Salam sukses..

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