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RE: Health Benefits of Quilting

in Articles3 years ago

Everyone who quilts knows that quilting can be a great way to express your creativity. But did you know that quilting can boost your emotional and mental health? Being mentally and emotionally well is a key factor in our overall physical health, and that's why creative arts such as quilting and sewing, and crafts are essential to our lives. Quilting not only carries the tradition of skill and artistry but also brings people together and lets us communicate with the help of fabrics and textiles. Here is a list collected by about the top 3 benefits of quilting for health to demonstrate how taking part in your favorite pastime can be beneficial to your mind and body and also.

It Lets You Unplug from the Modern World

Let's face it; we are all obsessed with technology. It's not negative! In the last ten years, many quilting communities have come online, allowing quilters to interact with one another around the world. This allows us to exchange information with the click of the button, including free quilting patterns, to suggestions and tricks for meetings of quilting guilds. But the time spent gazing at your laptop or tablet isn't good for your eyes. The actual process of quilting, beginning with selecting your fabric to cut and piecing blocks together and pieces, is the time that allows you to unplug and concentrate on making. The atmosphere of quilting allows you to concentrate on completing tasks rather than shortening your time-to-attention span, specifically because quilting is an art form that requires complete concentration.

Playing with Color and Geometry is Good for Your Brain

Another important benefit of quilting to your health is the way it combines colors and forms. It is not just about the determination of color value, and the combination of diverse colors makes us feel more positive. Still, it also introduces the element of fun into our lives. It can be a major factor in stress relief. Making various block designs and quilt patterns is another great illustration of the positive health effects of quilting. Engaging in various geometric shapes can help develop crucial problem-solving skills.

The Physical Act of Quilting Relieves Stress

The process of quilting itself is extremely relaxing and provides another illustration that shows the benefits associated with quilting. The repeated motions of quilting and sewing can help relax the brain, decreasing the fight or flight response triggered by stress. The feeling of satisfaction that quilters feel when they complete an assignment also plays directly to stress relief because it increases our creativity.

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