China's plans for the coming conflict.

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

China's plans for the coming conflict.


Fox news reveals on Tuesday a report by its National Security correspondent Jennifer Griffin, who maintains that the pentagon qualifies this crisis as a maximum urgency, with a severity range higher than the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Griffin explained that the US Army Southern Command issued a warning that if the US attitude towards Chinese Taiwan continues, it could take control of the Panama Canal, transferring the conflict to the heart of the Americas, attentive Panamanians, attentive Colombians. Finally pay attention everyone.


In this context of extreme hostility, the icing on the cake is a leak from May 17, translated and published on her personal blog by the journalist and sinologist Jennifer Zeng (Jennifer's world). It would be a meeting between the main Chinese generals discussing a possible ground invasion of California powered by cyber warfare and orbital space weapons, which would support a hypothetical landing of the People's Liberation Army in Pelosi's state.

It is about 50 minutes of audio accompanied by its respective transcription, although the voices have not been identified, the experts who described this information as totally implausible but the incredible thing is that despite being viralized in different English-speaking media and after two months of come to light, no fact checker, no Chinese press agency and no official source from the United States government have denied its veracity, I still see it as something extremely unlikely but let's be fair, many also said that Putin's invasion was unlikely to Ukraine, anything can happen.

You judge the signs in this dystopian world.

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