Campus Games- Season 3/Week 1- The Rocket - Ship - Team ProCirEstSta

in CampusConnect3 years ago


Hi welcome..

In regards to this..

Create a Fiction and Creative story on The Rocket-ship. Try as much as possible to be creative and make your story as interesting and creative as possible. There are no rules on what you can write about and how you choose to write it.

...Enjoy the reading...😎...



Everywhere suddenly grew silent, the sort that sent creeps to my spines. It was as though it wasn't inhabited with the spider webs that spread over the whole place that sent chills to my body. The dust in this lab was just too much, I had to go in with a nose mask to reduce the effect. I didn't want to be in here at all, being here brought back some bad memories
"There it is" there was so much excitement in Nina's voice.
I ran to where she stood, and there she was, just a step away to being fired.
I grinned. "She just needs a little make over and cleaning then she's ready" I said while checking her out.
We called the rest of the team to help us clean it up and get her ready for launch.

....Our Rocket Ship!!

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In some sense it was mine though, it belonged to my father and his researchers. He used to work with NASA and was among their team of researchers. This lab was like his sanctuary, old books, some apparatus and random notes lying around. Everywhere looked just the way it was before he left. I was too scared to come down to the lab when he was no more because I was scared I might see his ghosts.
We were on a mission to save earth from pending danger.

"We just need to clean her first then contact Jason and start our mission" I said
with confidence in my voice.

"Alright guys, let's get started then, the clocks ticking people" Dan, the oldest amongst us said

This place reminded me of my father. He spent most of his time down here, researching with due diligence. He really loved his work and did it with so much Passion.
This very place took all the time a father would have given to his daughter too. I grew up being trained by a nanny which is why when he left, I didn't know how to react or feel because I had no strong connection with him. His job was a wall between the both of us and it's sad that wall made me had a sad childhood.

"Now let's get to work people, this gorgeous isn't going to clean herself" Nina said with a smirk.

I think I have to acknowledge that Nina has been a great adhesive trying to make us stick together as a team. We are just a bunch of young adults that barely know anything about each other. And I surely do hope, we keep being friends even after this project.

I went back into the house to grab some cleaning equipments to get this job started already while they dusted the rocket ship.
I quickly reached for my phone and dialed Jason's number.

"Hey Jason, what’s the progress, team ready???" I asked
"Yea Aelin. What about the rocket-ship we would be using is it all set over there, hope everything is good? Jason asked
"Yes Jason, you really need to see it. There is an inbuilt lab in it where we would carry out the test and everything, we even have a mini cabin in it and and we hope to feel it with enough supplies to last us while on space." I remarked.
" I certainly do hope so Aelin, this mission is not a funny one at all, we do not know how long it will take, President Judah is counting on us, the entire fucking planet is counting on us.

Shortly, we were joined by the rest of the team and it was almost time to start our journey to earth Eukaryo to see if it's inhabitable.
"Aelin, Jason hurry up the president wants to address the team" Bryce called out.
I and Jason hurriedly went into the conference room and heard the president giving out the repercussions of a failure, he was so stern in his speech that everyone got scared.

"Everyone ready, Bryce,Jason, Fenry, Cardan, Jim, and Nina?" Yes everyone responded affirmatively to Jason with much enthusiasm.
"This is controller speaking to you, wind ripper is ready for blast off"
(A voice sounded from the radio.)

This is it, I was so nervous that my heart beat was tripple the normal pace.
We have been on space for hours now, precisely off the Earth's gravitational field. Suddenly red light started blaring, accompanied with a very loud alarm.

"What the fuck is going on" screamed Jim
"This is your controller and captain speaking to you, we are encountering series of large disastrous asteroids on our path at the moment, please remain calm while we find a way to go around it" (the voice blasted from the radio)
"oh my God, we are only few minutes away from missing the gap that connects us to planet Eukaryo" Bryce began to panic
"The only way to tackle this very fast is to blast these asteroids" Jason said
"That would be insane Jason, we can’t just blast an astroid, the impact could cause it to shatter into a thousands pieces and block the gap for good. It's either we maneuver around them", I said, although I was really confused.

"This is base 1 do you copy wind ripper I repeat do you copy. Mr President this is Aelin captain and leader of team world walker we have just encountered a major hold up, asteroids are restricting us access to the path, although we plan maneuver around it, currently our mission has been put on hold."
"Alright team world walker the rocket-ship you are flying on has a...." (The presidents voice suddenly went off)
"Hello, Mr President! Base 1! Do you copy! Can you read me!. Team worldwalker do you copy!" I asked hopelessly
"Guys, I think we lost them. Sadly, we are on our own now, we have to figure this out no matter what.

"Before the line went off I think Mr President mentioned something on this rocket-ship, maybe that's our way out, we just have to figure out what it is" Cardan said.
" Uhhm guys, over here" Nina called out
"A switch , it's labelled heavy weight grabber, looks pretty special to me." I said

"We need three persons to pull this button up and two other persons to push the blue and green button but we are just five on this ship and someone needs to keep the rocket-ship stable. Bryce, initiate auto pilot to complete the other two." Jason said
Bryce swiftly pushed the button to activate auto-pilot.
"Everyone in position?" I asked
"All push in three, alright? 1..2..3", we all pushed simultaneously.
Immediately, A giant spring ladder with a grabbing mouth sprung out from underneath the ship.
I moved forward to the controller and began moving it towards the astroid.
I was able to attach the grabber to the asteroid and move it .
Pheww!! everyone on board breathed a sigh of relief. "Great work team, We are approaching the gap in 5..4..3..2..1." I screamed while controlling.
It was like a minute that felt like forever of blindness enveloped everyone and then a blinding light of pure undiluted magnificence because what they saw could only be described as magnificent.

"This is team world walker if you can hear me we made it across the gap and we are now in planet Eukaryo." I said across the radio.



I know you guys enjoyed the reading. We blog seriously and tirelessly.

Regards to Team members - @circwall, @estyroberts, @starshipsfly and @prolee.



 3 years ago 

You made a great post @prolee, the storyline is very interesting and we enjoyed reading your entry.

Thank you for your participation in #campus games Season 3-week 1

Rate - 8

 3 years ago 

Thanks for reading through, I really appreciate. We keep blogging.

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