Citizen Kane: A lesson of life

in LifeStyle4 years ago

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Citizen Kane. The king of all films. The core of cinematic history. It's much more than that, though. It's a film about life, deep with meaning and sadness.

Citizen Kane asks one major question to its viewers: when you have everything you could possibility need or want in life and you're not happy, what happens next?

Of course, for some, the idea of financial stability and fame is a distant dream, but many that do experience it still suffer from depression. They still cling onto life with the hope that things will one day improve for them. Riches and fame can only distract a person from their mental instabilities.

Kane's actor, Orson Welles, appears to have been very similar to the character he portrayed, and his beliefs certainly showed up in the film:

"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone."

Many would look at Citizen Kane as a film known for its impact on cinema; most would be unaware of its presence in a time in which the world of cinema was only really just beginning to boom: people were only really just becoming celebrities, and that celebrity culture was one that nobody could easily comprehend. Citizen Kane reflected the present, the future, inside of cinema and out. It was one of the first films to really display depression; something easily misunderstood back then, and even today.

Citizen Kane tells us a story of life's complexity, and how it is nothing but a facade. Society, regardless of the side of it you are on, is never really on your side. The system is rigged against us all, and some see it, others do not. Those that do see it live a life of unhappiness and emotional self-torture: a battle against their own brain.

It is a story that will forever be relevant, as it tells its viewers that you don't want to be on your deathbed, finally reminiscing the happiest days of your life, but you should be actively attempting to create those happiest days each and every day you have. It knows it isn't easy, but your "Rosebud" is out there, waiting for you to find it.

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