Fruit porridge bowl for breakfast (ENG/ PT/ DE)




this is my entry for @heart-to-heart s #veganwednesday
We have the #fruitsandveggiesmonday one time a week. So let's support also the #veganwednesday today.
For me everyday is a vegan day but to have two days in a vegan steemit community to work together as a vegan community let's show us veggies what our food is or was today, okay?

I hope our lovely @lenasveganliving will join in and also the great @plantstoplanks. I would like to see what @riverflows had today and @lizelle, @anggreklestari, @birdsinparadibirdsinparadise, @toddfoster, @erikah, @amy-goodricamy-goodrich and all the other vegan food lovers invite or inspire and motivate to post some yummy stuff on this Wednesday.

Porridge with fruits

Or simply gruel, the german language would translate this, but that doesn't sound very appetizing, although it tastes very good.
I have captured everything step by step in the pictures.
A wonderful energy bowl, which gives a lot of strength for the day.
Some soy yoghurt, homemade vegan chocolate cream, goji berries, walnuts, bananas, blueberries and enjoy it.

Have a great Wednesday guys.

Bon Appetit

text and pictures made by myself. Peace





esta é a minha entrada para @heart-to-heart s #veganwednesday

Temos o #fruitsandveggiesmonday uma vez por semana. Então vamos apoiar também o #veganwednesday hoje.
Para mim todos os dias é um dia vegano, mas para ter dois dias numa comunidade vegan steemit para trabalharmos juntos como uma comunidade vegana, vamos mostrar aos veganos o que é ou foi a nossa comida hoje, ok?

Espero que a nossa adorável @lenasveganliving se junte a nós e também as grandes @plantstoplanks. Gostaria de ver o que os @riverflows tiveram hoje e @lizelle, @anggreklestari, @birdsinparadise, @toddfoster, @erikah, @amy-goodrich e todos os outros amantes da comida vegana convidam ou inspiram e motivam a publicar algumas coisas deliciosas nesta quarta-feira.

Papas com frutas

Ou simplesmente papa, mas isso não soa muito apetitoso, embora tenha um sabor muito bom.
Capturei tudo passo a passo nas fotos.
Uma maravilhosa tigela de energia, que dá muita força para o dia.
Alguns iogurtes de soja, creme de chocolate vegan caseiro, bagas de goji, nozes, bananas, mirtilos e aprecie-os.

Tenha uma boa quarta-feira caras.

Bom apetite

texto e fotos feitas por mim mesmo. Paz






dies ist mein Beitrag für @heart-to-heart s #veganwednesday

Wir haben den #fruitsandveggiesmonday einmal pro Woche. Also lasst uns auch den heutigen Mittwoch als #veganwednesday unterstützen.
Für mich ist jeder Tag ein veganer Tag, aber um zwei Tage in einer veganen Steemit-Community zu haben, um als vegane Community zusammenzuarbeiten, lasst und Vegans unsere Umwelt inspirieren und motivieren, zeigt her eure Speisen.

Ich hoffe, dass unsere gute @lenasveganliving und auch die tolle @plantstoplanks mitmachen werden. Ich würde gerne sehen, was @riverflows heute hatte und @lizelle, @anggreklestari, @birdsinparadise, @toddfoster, @erikah, @amy-goodrich und all die anderen veganen Food-Liebhaber einladen oder inspirieren und motivieren, an diesem Mittwoch Leckeres zu posten.

Porridge with fruits

Oder schlicht Haferschleim, doch das klingt wenig appetitlich, obwohl es sehr gut schmeckt.
Habe alles Schritt für Schritt auf den Bildern festgehalten.
Ein wunderbarer Energie Bowl, der viel Kraft für den Tag spendet.
Etwas Soja Joghurt dazu, selbst gemachte vegan Schokoladencreme, Goji Beeren, Walnüsse, Bananen, Blaubeeren und es sich schmecken lassen.

Was gibt es bei euch den Heute?

Ich wünsche euch einen schönen Mittwoch, Leute.

Bon Appetit

Text und Bilder von mir gemacht. Peace


#blog #life #lifestyle #portugal #foodphotography #health #healthy #vegan #pt #community #foodporn #foodie #foodlover #powerhousecreatives #vegan #wednesday #austria #steemit-austria


Great way to start your day - yumyumyum

Hi @lotusfleur! Thank you for participating in #veganwednesday! This looks spectacular! I've actually been away for a while working on another project and am just coming back into the beautiful Steemit Community so will have to get this contest in full steem again! =) <3

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