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RE: autumn impressions from St.Petersburg (16 foto)

in Photography4 years ago

Hey!! hehe i'm glad I used those right and didn't make a fool of myself. Thats cool that your wife agrees to appear in a steemit post haha. Well, I really don't know why but since I was a little girl i've felt the need to visit and learn the language. Also I love russian literature. Russian authors are absolutely amazing, one of the bests. And of course I know a few locations that one must visit there, but I don't have it planed out yet and with all this corona madness I think it will be impossible for this year or next. But if I ever get to go I'll let you know.
And even if you do all tour posts in russian it is best for me because that way i HAVE to learn.
Bye the way, awesome first lesson! hahaha


oh, well... if you since childhood had that feeling... well, its nothing one can do with that xD

I mean, they (they) killed the great country. and then, killed it again, and again. and doing it again right as we speek. you may be surprised, but it is not the same country and not the same people that it used to be. (tho its the same land, yes... still). I am a very big fan of history, and knowing about all this shit happened (and the history is known to repeat itself!) makes any positive person a big pessimist.

thats is why I said - if you're intrested, for example, to see the nice examples of historical architecture, of the past - better go check Venice :P or if you adore all this great things depicted in the classic Russian literature - better watch old movies and old photos, then dip yourself into the modern life, the pictures at the streets are way different.


nota bene: what we do have here (unlike Europe, maybe) -- we have a lot of natural nature, a lot of great locations that are still unspoiled by human hands. if I could travel, I'd happily travel across Russia myself (I have a long list!) but it is not possible for me. I always had a little salary, and have a family on my hands. and by the way, I am a jobless since last January - even before this C-19 shit went onto ventilator.

ok. see you in my posts! today I spent a great evening at and old cemetary, which I will shape later into a few nice posts. cya!

hehe, well I really want to know it all. Even of its modern time. Yessss i'm too unemployed for almost a year too. This is thanks to corona, but oh well.
See you around!

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