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RE: Is it clear to you ? #FREEWRITE fouroclocky by @brittandjosie

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

What an excellent attitude, normally when we discover to have been deceived, we get very upset. His attitude was thanks to God nobody is dying or sick. I did not expect that result.

Lately these cases of fraud have increased in Venezuela and you have to be very careful. The truth is that there are too many requests for help that we find on the networks, so I have concentrated on helping those who, if I know, cannot cover everyone. @brittandjosie

Vaya que excelente actitud, normalmente cuando descubrimos haber sido engañados, nos molestamos mucho. Su actitud fue gracias a Dios nadie esta muriendo, ni enfermo. No me esperaba ese resultado.

Últimamente en Venezuela han aumentado estos casos de fraude y hay que tener mucho cuidado. La verdad son demasiadas peticiones de ayuda que encontramos en las redes, así que me he concentrado en ayudar a los que si conozco, no puedo abarcar a todos.


We need more attitude and nice-news all around that would make the world so much nicer

Strongly agree an excellent attitude will make us better people. @brittandjosie

Muy de acuerdo una excelente actitud nos hara mejores personas.

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