"SEC S11W1: Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood"

in Colombia-Originallast year
"Beginning in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful"

Introduce : I am shahariar1 from #Bangladesh
Date :24/07/2023

Hello everyone. Hope everyone is well. Before participating in the contest, I would like to thank @colombiaoriginal for arranging this beautiful Contest. And congratulations on winning the engagement challenge in season 11.

I am starting this post by inviting three of my friends to participate in this contest. @sofian88, @heriadi , @crptoloover

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"Let's start "

Do you think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother? Why ?

Yes I think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother. Because children are a special gift from God to parents. Every parent in the world loves their child selflessly. Always covers them with a blanket of love. Parents suffer enough for the bright future of the child. Parents accept all sorrows with a smile. Parents do not hesitate to work hard to fulfill their child's demands. Parents always want to see a smile on their child's face. Loving so passionately is just to complete ourselves I think.

No couple needs children in youth, but every couple needs children in old age. Human death is uncertain. When either husband or wife dies in a couple. You then have no children. Then they become very lonely. When the old people go, they feel that their children are in dire need of them. Only the children stay with the old man. Distance increases in all other relationships. Only blood ties survive then. So a father mar
Having children is very important. Only children remember their parents even after death. So I think the child definitely needs the parent to be self-sufficient. And parents are incomplete without children.


Old parents :source

Do you think a parent should set aside their goals or dreams for their children? Please explain your answer.

This is a very difficult question. But I want to give a simple answer to this question. Parents or any other person, every person has different dreams. Everyone wants to outlive their dreams. No one ever wants to sacrifice one's dream for another. So our social system is such that no one can marry at a very young age and become parents. A couple has to pass a certain age to get married.

Then after they got married some more time together. When it seems that yes all our dreams come true. Now we should be parents. Then they should have children. And if there are no parents and children at this stage. At that time, all the dreams and hopes of those parents are about their children. You have no separate dreams. Making their child a human being is their real goal and all their dreams. When a parent's dream is their child, the question of giving up their dream for the child is completely irrelevant । you understand the answer.


All parents' dreams revolve around their children: :source

What is your view of people who choose not to have children?

Every person has the right to make his own decision. And I respect everyone's decision as an individual. But those who choose not to have children. Child rearing is considered trouble. I want to say one thing to them. You are below but someone's child. And if your parents thought like you. Child rearing was considered a hassle. Then you would never have seen this beautiful world. You would not have existed on this planet called Earth.

Today you decided not to have children. This is a decision you will not regret one day. When you reach old age. When you are sick and lying in bed. When you have no one by your side to take you to the doctor. Then you might regretfully say, 'I wish I had a child.' Then maybe he would have taken me to the hospital.

So I want to say to those who prefer not to have children. There is still time, don't deprive yourself of this beautiful blessing of the Almighty Allah. Although your life decision is your own.


Old parents need their children :source

Do you consider that in order to be a mother or father there must be ideal conditions (economic, social and physical and mental health)? Why?

I definitely think being a parent is ideal. Not every state thinks that its citizens should marry only when they reach a certain age. So that there is no risk to the life of mother and child during child birth after marriage.

It is important for a mother to be in good physical condition when having a baby. Otherwise, the life of the mother and the child may be in danger during home delivery.

To be a parent, one must have fullness of mental thought. So to become a parent one must be above 25 years of age. In order to complete their mental thinking.

There is also a need for financial solvency. Because money is needed in the field of child rearing, education and treatment etc. Without money, a parent can never bring success to his child. So it is necessary to be financially sound before having a child.


Ideal condition of parents helps to bring success to the child. :source

I have tried to present the answers to each question very simply. Hope you like my post. If you like the post, please comment. I am ending my post by wishing everyone good health.

Best regards,



Nice explanation brother. I have presented your post very well right according to the requirements for that challenge. I really appreciate your efforts and wish you very good luck 🤞

Thank you very much. I'm really glad you observed my post. Your lovely comments are what motivate me to post. Best wishes to you. And I think you will submit a nice entry very soon.

Yes, I understand. For many parents, their ultimate goal and dream is to raise their children and see them grow into successful and happy individuals. Their focus shifts from their own personal dreams to nurturing and supporting their children's dreams and aspirations. Sacrificing their own dreams for the sake of their children becomes a natural and fulfilling choice.

Thank you very much for your understanding. The value of posting is only when the reader understands the essence of the post. Thanks for your valuable time. Your valuable comments mean a lot to me. Your lovely comment is what motivates me to post.

I appreciate your kind words and the value you place on understanding and meaningful comments. Keep posting, and stay motivated!

 last year 

Thank you very much for your participation in the contest. You answered in a clear and simple way, perfectly understandable and I enjoyed reading each answer.

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A parent's last possession is his children. You said all the dreams of parents revolve around their children. I like it the most. Every question is very well analyzed. Best wishes to you.

I have tried to provide answers to all questions in a very simple way. I am thankful to you that you liked my answers. Thanks for your valuable time.

Saludos amigo.
Los hijos son una bendición de parte de Dios un verdadero regalo. Quienes tenemos hijos hemos podido experimentar la alegría que se siente tenerlo.
Pero hay quienes deciden no tener hijos,y por varias razones. Ellos son felices con su decisión
Una buena participación exitos en el concurso

Yes we should respect everyone's decision. Those who dislike having children for various reasons. And consider having children as a hassle. I will say one thing for them. If their parents had thought like them, he would never have seen the face of the earth.

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