in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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Christmas Day. One day to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. The day when the precious being who will make all be tinged with love comes. It has another meaning, but I won't mention it again. If you are a Christian, this is not the day you think about it, so I was wondering how non-Christians would view Christmas. Holidays, dates, or days when you spend valuable time with your family or partner. Or maybe you think of it as Santa Claus Day. So, I'll talk about it today.


The word chosen by the class B brief. When I was young, I had a romance with Santa Claus. Of course, I personally go to church, so 'Santa ...', I am not very interested in her existence, but she is concentric, and she is also someone I want to meet at least once. In my memory, my childhood Christmas scene is like this. The week before Christmas, we decorate the tree and do a number of decorations. Like everyone else, socks don't go away. The carol songs and colorful lights scattered throughout the house were really just filled with innocence, enough to make my heart pound.

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And finally, on Christmas Eve the young soul, who will fall asleep at another time, cannot fall asleep with a vague joy. The mother who was worse than that spoke the last thing.

"If you wake up the night before Christmas, Grandpa can't come."

As soon as these words were over, the young man I asked to sleep.

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And, as everyone predicted, on Christmas morning, there was no sign of Santa Claus. But that is to be expected. The fact that the gift pack is next to me. Sweets, chocolates, and heavy gift wrappers are enough to get one child 100% excited. And that joy occurs when you receive something better than you wanted. The gift Santa gave me was a toy gun.

But whether I should say I'm lucky or not, I learned Santa Claus secrets by a senior who has outlived me a few years. It seemed that he was truly an unconscious senior and a 'grown-up child' without consideration.

Now, I am at an age where Christmas Eve is not as thrilling. But honestly, when the time comes, it is true that those days come to mind.

Parents' hands in buying tree decorations and preparing gift packages so as not to damage the conscience of the young. And without knowing that the people who gave it were mom and dad, he said that a third person took it and left him. I miss that sight.

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I am very grateful for this extraordinary miracle, and now my son, who has been protected, wants to pack a gift gift and give it to his parents, but the fact that he cannot do it is unfortunate. Even if you don't have to dress up and put on a gig with a big smile, if you can, you'll be very happy.


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