Una Oración Por Mi Esta Publicacion esta Configurada para Donar el 20% a @heartchurch//A Prayer For Me This Post is Set to Donate 20% to @heartchurch

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Feliz y bendecido día querida comunidad ya casi culminando la semana y nos alistamos a un nuevo día poniendo todos nuestros planes en las manos sanadoras de nuestro Dios padre, pidiéndole y rogándoles que nos siga llenando de sabiduría e ilumine nuestro camino para seguirle sirviendo aquí en la tierra, querida comunidad les invito que juntos hagamos esta oración para que nuestro padre celestial aleje de nosotros todas las influencias malignas.

Dios padre mío en tu nombre quiero implorarte, rogarte y humillarme ate tu poder padre amado, para pedirte que me rescates del poder de los perversos de las garras de Los rieles opresores, o señor, solo tú eres mi esperanza padre amado en ti seguiré confiando hasta mi último suspiro.

Señor mío desde mi niñez me has cuidado, me has guiado y has estado conmigo desde mi nacimiento. me has cuidado desde el vientre de mi madre con razones siempre te alaba, por ello te busco señor vengo a clamar por tu ayuda en medio de mis problemas porque confío en ti porque al invocar tu nombre se traduce en paz y seguridad.

Padre celestial te suplico que vengas en mi auxilio cuando te necesite, me postraré delante de ti con humildad porque sé que oyes mis lamentos y me mantienes protegidos con tu manto protector, gracias padre porque no importa por lo que me deba enfrentar porque tus palabras son de Esperanza, tus promesas me llenan de fe con tu abrazo no permites que decaiga siempre vienes a rescatarme.

Padre amado sé que siempre me llevar a lugares seguro cuando corro peligro, por ello padre celestial, me aferro sin dudar en cada una de las promesas que he estudiado hoy porque son compromisos de confianza porque son pactos de amor por todos nosotros.


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Happy and blessed day, dear community, almost ending the week and we are getting ready for a new day putting all our plans in the healing hands of our Father God, asking and begging him to continue to fill us with wisdom and illuminate our path to continue serving him here in the Earth, dear community, I invite you to pray this prayer together so that our heavenly father will remove all evil influences from us.

God my father in your name I want to implore you, beg you and humiliate me, tie your power, beloved father, to ask you to rescue me from the power of the wicked from the clutches of the oppressive rails, or lord, only you are my hope, beloved father, in you I will continue to trust until my last breath.

My Lord since my childhood you have cared for me, you have guided me and you have been with me since my birth. You have cared for me from my mother's womb with reasons I always praise you, that is why I am looking for you sir, I come to cry out for your help in the midst of my problems because I trust you because invoking your name translates into peace and security.

Heavenly Father I beg you to come to my aid when I need you, I will prostrate myself before you with humility because I know that you hear my laments and you keep me protected with your protective mantle, thank you father because it does not matter what I have to face because your words are of Hope, your promises fill me with faith with your embrace you do not allow me to decay you always come to rescue me.

Beloved Father, I know that you will always take me to safe places when I am in danger, therefore, Heavenly Father, I cling without hesitation to each of the promises that I have studied today because they are commitments of trust because they are pacts of love for all of us.


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