in HeartChurch3 years ago

Life presents us daily trials that we must face and if we do not do it correctly we can slip away from our dreams and goals and abandon everything for which we have been fighting for years.

The bible advises us not to adapt to the things of the world, that is, to stick to them to accommodate or adjust to things that do not edify and that can bring us serious consequences

Romans 12: 2
And do not adapt to this world, but transform yourself through the renewal of your mind, so that you can verify what the will of God is: what is good, acceptable and perfect.

Everything is lawful but not everything is convenient, because we must not settle for what the currents of this world want to impose on us, but rather we must examine or verify if these things build us or lead us to the design that God planned for us since we must keep in mind which one. it is the will of God always remembering that his will is good, perfect and pleasant

The tests come for everyone; but not all of us face it in the same way because there are people that God gives them grace to be able to cope and face it correctly because they simply believe God even in the midst of any tribulation |

It is impossible for trials not to come to our lives but when we trust God he imparts his grace to us so that we can lean on him and face trials


Having God in our lives is a privilege, counting on his grace is priceless because unfortunately not everyone accepts the grace that God imparts and having God's grace in this life is vital to be able to firmly walk our path in addition to helping us manage all that he gives us out of his love and mercy since the enemy is an expert in stealing dreams and destroying families because we must bear in mind that trials come but God's grace is greater than any trial and he gives us his hand when we accept it to get out of it

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