Doing things from the heart

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Colossians 3:23 "and whatever you do, do it heartily, as for the Lord and not for men."

Imagen source

All believers, when carrying out an activity outside or within the congregation, must carry it out so that the Lord may be glorified. No matter who we are, we must perform every task with joy, integrity, diligence, and energy for the reason that we represent the Lord, and others will form their opinion of Him from what they see in us.

Each of us has some special job that the Lord has assigned to us.
The Lord has a plan for each of us. We need to ask him what his purpose is to obey him by doing what he demands of us but always looking at him from the heart and not at men, only then can we find the true satisfaction and meaning of his life.

No work in the Lord's work is small, Tiquico did diligence for Paul when he was imprisoned in Rome, he traveled great distances to deliver the apostle's letters to the churches. For some this might not be of much importance, but if Tychicus had refused to deliver Paul's epistles to the churches, a part of the New Testament might have been lost.

It is necessary that when we do something, we do it well willingly. Always seeking the approval of God and not of men. The result is that we will reap good fruits.
Good testimony wins lives, the way we face problems will make a difference.

Jesus is the best reference to act and give good testimony, the Word is the manual, the source to use so that we know how to act in an excellent way.

Remember good testimonial pays off. Let us strive to be better people every day and become a channel of blessings for those around us.

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