Web 3.0

in SteemitCryptoAcademy10 months ago

Imagine a new type of internet that not only accurately interprets what you input, but actually understands everything you convey, whether through text, voice or other media, one where all content you consume is more tailored to you than ever before.

One that gives you full privacy controls over the data you share with other parties, allows you to earn money if you provide it to advertisers or interact with certain applications, and remains free from draconian third-party censorship.

Well it’s finally coming.

Over 30 years Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, also known as the WWW. Now that acronym might as well stand for What Went Wrong?

The early internet was founded on the utopian values of equality, transparency and information access and promised to deliver to the world. Instead, it created global behemoths like Google (now under Alphabet), Facebook (now Meta), Uber, Amazon and other Web2 giants that arguably turned its users into its products, wielding their private data as they saw fit to keep profits coming.

Countless shocking scandals have emerged over the last few years (see Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica debacle) exposing how Big Tech has been using the internet as a giant psychological lab to extract the maximum value out of its unsuspecting subjects.

Finally, a new type of web is promising to put an end to this and chart a return back to the internet’s original vision. We are at the tipping point of a new phase in the web’s evolution. Some early pioneers called it Web 3.0, a name coined by Polkadot and Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood. Nowadays, we mostly call it Web3.


Web3.0 is latest invention that must be implemented in our daily live

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