in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


Describe in depth the Nifty Gateway platform Who are its founders? What market or target is it aimed at?

Nice question here firstly before I proceed further it's necessary we have an overview on what nifty gateway platfo entails.


Nifty gateway is a Decentralized platform where buying and selling of non-fungibe tokens takes center stage, let me bring our mind back that NFTs is seen as a digital token recorded on a block-chain, some will begin to ask why been recorded on a block-chain.

The answer is that blockchain itself is decentralized meaning it's not controlled by anyone and everyone can get access to informations in there because it's basically transparent, and the security standard it offers is sublime.

Nifty gateway runs on a company called Gemini LLC, it's more like a website based cryptocurrency related Exchanged, and the owners are twin brother called the winklovess brother, Gemini company is based in the new York, the viscosity of their sales have soared in rescent years at about $774 million, and $ 1.2 billion

What market or target is it aimed at

Market today is based on buying and selling of various items just for the sole motive of inquiring profits, so I personally think that the NFTs market is soaring courtesy trading. If more incentive by this I mean more volatility in Market trust me so many individual's will like to key in and profit making will then elaborate.

So I believe the NFTs Market will do everything possible to get the kind of popularity cryptocurrency gets, remember they both looks Alike but there are little difference thought, but one common thing is that they both operates on a blockchain technology.

What are ERC-1155 tokens? How do they differ from ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens?

Before I hint on the differences, let me highlight on what ERC-1155 token are. ERC-1155 token can be defined as a digital token that is officially created/invented by Enjin, one interesting thing here is that it can be used in double facets by this I mean it can be used to create fungible and non fungible assets on the Etherium network.

Making use of this Etherium network believe me ERC-1155 token is totally secured and you need no have any fear of hackers invading your assets or any ugly incidents of such nature happening.


At this point I will show the difference between ERC-1155, ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens.

ERC-20 came to lime-light in 2015, but was later allowed into the blockchain in 2017. It's token is decentralizedERC-721 has a standard as it's specifically specializes on non fungible token, meaning it's irreplaceableERC-1155 was officially created in the year 2018 by Enjin, it's more like a new transformation to Etherium blockchain
ERC-20 simply is a fungible token, and it can be used for identities that looks alike, that is while it can be adopted during the creation of stable-coinERC-721 is very important to digital assets that hasn't gained much value, intense of existing like a digital currencyERC-1155 I love the characteristics it has, it gives room for minting of both fungible and non fungible tokens in a specific smart contract

Login to Etherscan. Please indicate the number of ERC-1155 tokens in existence at the time of writing your assignment Indicate the first 5 tokens by volume of transactions in the last 24 hours.

Nice question from the question I logged into etherscan officially homepage, and secondly I clicked on ERC-1155 top token


  • After I'm done clicking on the top token, I proceeded, another phase came up.


  • At this phase I discovered the total number of ERC-1155 token and it's ranged at #18,139 at the time of writting my post.

Indicate the Hash of the last transaction carried out and the identification of the token as well as its smart contract. Show Screenshots.

Identifying this I still access the homepage of etherscan and the front part I clicked on Transaction.


  • I accessed the Transaction hash to view the latest Transaction details.
Transaction hash



  • At this particular phase the details of the latest Transaction is on the way.

  • The Transaction involves sending and receiving, the current block is #13273640.

  • Looking very well you will see the gas price and the Transaction fee too, all is present and in an open space, everyone can access it.

Indicating the latest contract, smart contract

  • Whenever Transactions are been done it needs proof between the parties who have officially conducted a transaction, this leads to signing a smart contract.


  • Below you can view the latest contract been signed.


Enter the Enjin wallet. Describe the functions that it presents in its user interface.

Accessing the Enjin wallet I quickly downloaded the wallet from Google play store, so I can easily access the user's inter-phase.



  • I tried and fortunately the wallet was open, I backed up my recovery phase, that can't be showed here, because the informations are very confidential.

  • Acessin the users inter-phase this was what showned up.



  • Firstly I changed my name at the front of the inter-phase, to verify that I have really accessed the Enjins wallet.

  • From the interphas you can find the coin, wallet, and the USD value.

  • You have so many other features at the right, you can backup your wallet, rename wallet, Edith coin list etc.

Enter the Marketplace: indicate the number of items for sale, indicate the first 3 items on the list and their description. Show Screenshots.

At this phase I will access the market inter-phase to view the latest three items up for sale and the value associated with then.

  • This is Enjins ETH market place I clicked on the market place and another write-up came on board.



  • Currently at the time of writting this post there are 17,484, items listed for sale, so I quickly clicked on the prices, and all project to view the first three up for grab just as the question demands.




  • From the images you can buy any items, and their price tags are associated with then.

In your personal opinion, what is the future of the NFT Markets? Give reasons for your answer.

NFTs market for me I think the future seems bright for then in the sense that, the NFTs market is on the uprise a day there are latest development all around, you can own an article Artworks, or any other thing the most interesting aspect is that prominent person's in the society have keyed into the market and the millions of dollars sold per-day is totally incredible.

If you watch very well you will understand that both NFTs, and cryptocurrencies runs on a block-chain technology that means they can be traded, the more volatility involved in a market leads to the more risk, by this I mean investors will be willing to risk their token and by so doing make massive return in the end.

I think in future the NFT, market will compete thereby matching toe-toe, with the Crypto exchange market, and there will be more liquidity pooped into the market, trust me in future NFTs Market will rank in the best top three trading and exchange Market in the world.


From my home task I was able to discuss on the nifty platform, lookin critically well you will understand that it's a platform where trading takes place by this I mean buying and selling of non-fungibe tokens. NFTs itself is a digital token been recorded on a blockchain.

In the world today blockchain technology is gradually taking over everything, blockchain now exist in health care. The fantastic characteristics it posesses makes it stands out, blockchain is unique, transparent, accessible, and all informations there are seen by everyone and to add the security is super legit.

There are various difterences that exist between ERC-1155, ERC-20,ERC-721, as my question went by I was able to highlight all the differences, I also made access to the Enjins wallet and marketplace. Fantastic lecture from you professor @imagen you really Explained well trust me I have learnt alot.


 3 years ago (edited)

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Estructura / Lenguaje1.0/2.0

  • Cumples con todos los requisitos.
  • Presentacion aceptable.
  • Uso de lenguaje sencillo, sin embargo, la redaccion se torna confusa en ocasiones.
  • Falta profundizar en tus respuestas.
  • Falta mayor originalidad.
  • Debes tomarte un poco mas de tiempo para profundizar en tus analisis.

Continua esforzandote, espero seguir corrigiendo tus asignaciones.

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