Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S1W1 - Favorite Blockchain Network by @josevas217

Hello community Crypto Academy and Steemit in general. For me it is a pleasure to be able to participate in this initiative, as a community administrator it is a complex task to take time for everything that has been happening, but this contest is one in which I most wanted to participate, and here I am.

Unfortunately, I did not hear the words Blockchain or cryptocurrencies until the end of 2017, when with the first Bitcoin BOOM, what it could become became public knowledge. It was the first moment I knew of the existence of this financial technology and without hesitation I dedicated myself to investigate. There was someone who served as a kind of introduction to this world, and from then on I investigated and came by chance to what would be my first real relationship with the crypto environment through Steemit.

favorite blockchain.png

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Of course, Steemit is not a Blockchain, I have it very clear. Steemit is a Dapp (Decentralized Application) that is on the Steem Blockchain. They are very different things. I will clearly define what I understand of each of these terms:

  • Dapp: they are tools based on a Blockchain that allow different users to interact with each other without the need for intermediaries.

  • Blockchain: What I really feel is revolutionizing everything that is finance, of course, not only serves for that function, since it is a very safe way to protect information, as if it were an accounting book, where each one of the pages represent the blocks of the chain, and they have the power to be unalterable and immutable, that is, once the record is made, it can never be changed again.

Having these concepts clear, let's continue...


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Tell us about your favorite Blockchain network, its history and why it is your favorite.

My Favorite Blockchain is Steem, it's the first one where I was able to have real interaction, and since January 23, 2018 I started on it through Steemit, I haven't stopped. Well, here I have learned almost everything that gave me the basis to be able to dabble in other areas of the Blockchain and cryptocurrency world beyond Steem.

It was the first social network that emerged in its kind, which was based on a Blockchain, in 2016, and since that time it has been active without interruption, more than 6 years already, which shows how solid the project is, because if we analyze well how many projects are developed, with a few months even of operation and then disappear, we can notice that 6 years is quite a long time.

Does the network have any initial deficiencies and how did the network team deal with the problem?

I remember a few years ago, when I started, the distribution of earnings was: 75% for authors and content creators and 25% for curators. Later it was established what it is now, which is 50% for curators and 50% for authors. The reason was to call the attention of investors, since 25% was not enough, but being already 50% could be attractive for new investors to come. I think it was a plus point.

Previously the Wallet was incorporated to the Blog, it was managed with the same password practically, later they made a change, practically divided to the current form, in which the wallet is separate from the Blog, which undoubtedly improved the security.

A more recent change was the incorporation to the Wallet of the possibility of earning TRX and even connect the Wallet with TRONLINK, I found it an added value, because it allows us authors and curators to earn in several cryptocurrencies, such as STEEM, SBD and TRON.

What changes do you think would improve the network?

The possibility of having Smart Contracts, this would undoubtedly allow the creation of many of the investment tools that are revolutionizing the world, such as the DeFi system. I know well that basically the Steem Blockchain was created to support the creation of content, and so that authors could be rewarded for that, and for their interaction, I do not know if technically that is possible, but no doubt that would open many more possibilities for developers and attract investors, Who does not want to have contact with Decentralized Finance?

There is only one exchange house that works to be able to exchange second layer tokens, this is Steem-Engine, however, I don't know to what extent the creator will stay here for much longer. It would be a very good idea that the same Steem team would have developers to create an exchange house that generates trust and allows to revive that part of community token generation, sure it would make everything much more attractive.

For example, as co-founder of the Colombia-Original community, I would quickly get ready to create a community token, but there is that limitation...


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Write about a project that is based on your favorite blockchain.

For now I can only mention Steemit, I don't know any other different project that is on this Blockchain, and the truth is that considering that you practically don't have to pay for transactions, I know that you pay with resource credits, but it is basically free, the large amount of transactions per second that can be executed on it, I don't understand why there is not more development that allow you to take advantage of those qualities...

I have no programming skills, unfortunately, otherwise, a lot I could do about it, but it is not now in my hands, not for now.


In this way I think I have answered the guiding questions that have left to develop this publication, I wanted to add a little history of Steemit and the Steem Blockchain considering that there are many new people who could read this publication and perhaps know a little more of how they have been these years before his arrival.

Grateful in advance for your support, I bid you farewell.


Twitter | Instagram | Discord | Youtube | Telegram: @josevas217



Muy buena entrada al concurso amigo 👌 me gustó leerlo cuentas muy bien la historia de steemit por lo que siempre observó veo que estos temas te gusta mucho y siempre nos apoyas en cualquier inquietud

I agree, I also like Steemit. Everything is familiar here and you know how it works. The platform enables each participant to realize his dream. I will also write about Steemit

Certainly, when we feel comfortable on a platform, on a blockchain, it is easier to make it your favotrite.

 2 years ago 

Bravo 👏👏👏

I really love the way you analysed steemit blockchain, there are new things I have learnt from your publication.

Thank you very much for spending time to make this quality content.

You might also want to live a review on my contest

here's the link to my contest

Thank you very much for your kind comment.
Yes, there are always things we can learn, cuea with that. I will visit your publication.

Hola querido @josevas217 una muy buena entrada a este concurso, creo que cuentas la historia perfectamente de steemit, es verdad que es que un proyecto muy sólido, sin embargo lo que comentas de defis sería genial si lo implementarán o se invirtiera un poco más en otros proyectos, eso sería de gran ayuda para el valor de la moneda.

Saludos y éxitos 😁

Este post nos ha servido para dar una vuelta por Steemit desde sus inicios, conocer sus cambios y poder sentirnos cada vez más encantados, porque es un lugar que demuestra de alguna manera estabilidad y que llegó para quedarse.

Hay muchas mejoras por hacer, es verdad, pero confío en que entre todos haremos lo mejor para que este lugar continúe con su crecimiento.

This post has helped us to take a tour around Steemit since its beginnings, to know its changes and to feel more and more delighted, because it is a place that somehow shows stability and that it is here to stay.
There are many improvements to be made, it is true, but I am confident that together we will do our best for this place to continue its growth.

Hola @josevas217

me gustó leer tu publicación porque engranas la historia de Steemit con tu historia en el transitar por esta plataforma. estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo que se ha presentado como un proyecto sólido en que sin duda cada vez vamos avanzando y creciendo más, no sólo en conocimiento sino en finanzas criptográficas.

te deseo el mayor de los éxitos en el concurso, sé que tienes excelentes ideas y te apasionan estos temas.

Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Si, estos temas son de los que me apasionan, saludos.


¡Saludos amigo!🤗.

No esperaba menos de usted👏🏻🥳🎉. En esta publicación, impartes una maravillosa masterclass y en lo personal, me sirvió para conocer la historia inicial de Steemit💫. Gracias por esta genialidad.

Mucho éxito en la dinámica aunque para mí, usted ya ganó🌟. Lluvia de bendiciones🙏🏻💚

Hola amigo José,que excelente explicación haz dado hasta yo que no estoy muy experto en este tema acabo de entender varias cosas del mundo cripto. Hasta un resumen de la plataforma Steemit.


Sin duda alguna, reflejas transitar y experiencia significativa en el tema; transmites el conocimiento de manera muy pedagógica, hasta me atrevo a decir que es fácil entenderte y no lo digo por ti, sino por mi (risas). Particularmente este dato me pareció muy interesante:

I remember a few years ago, when I started, the distribution of earnings was: 75% for authors and content creators and 25% for curators. Later it was established what it is now, which is 50% for curators and 50% for authors. The reason was to call the attention of investors, since 25% was not enough, but being already 50% could be attractive for new investors to come. I think it was a plus point.

Como red descentralizada no existe un dueño pero si, inversores que lógicamente, no les era atractivo un 25% de ganancias a costa de su inversión; a diferencia del 50% que le dio un giro a su perspectiva. Excelente post @josevas217, de lujo. Felicidades y te deseo merecidos exitos!

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STEEM 0.25
TRX 0.11
JST 0.034
BTC 63202.55
ETH 3085.17
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.85