Life) EN-KR- Dokdo is Korean territory 독도는 우리땅steemCreated with Sketch.

in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto3 years ago (edited)

<도쿄올림픽 지도에 표기된 독도, 즉각 삭제할 것을 요구합니다>

도쿄올림픽 조직위가 자체 홈페이지 지도에 독도를 일본 영토로 표기했습니다.
우리 정부가 시정을 요구하자, 일본은 이를 묵살하고 있습니다.
용납할 수 없는 일입니다.

<Dokdo marked on the Tokyo Olympic map, we demand that it be deleted immediately>

The Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee has marked Dokdo as Japanese territory on the map of its website.
When our government demanded a correction, Japan is ignoring it.
This is unacceptable.

존리의 트윗트 멘트대로 일본은 우리에게 "물어!" 라며 도발하고 있습니다.

Tweeter John Lee (@koreanforeigner ) has a nice comment at 27th May
The Japanese Olympic Committee has included Dokdo (called Takeshima in Japan) as part of Japan. South Korean officials lodged a formal complaint. Japan basically said, "Bite me." Now, former Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun is saying that we should boycott the Olympics.

IMG source 1

Foreign Ministry blasts Dokdo's inclusion on Tokyo Olympics map

Ministry calls inclusion of Dokdo on Tokyo Olympic map 'unacceptable'

South Korea up in arms after request to revise Japan map on Tokyo Olympics website turned down

IMG source 1 : 이낙연 총리의 트윗터


우와~ 멋지십니다. 짱~

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