Hiking the Otter Trail – Day four and FivesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #hiking8 years ago

Day four was an eventful one as our numbers were whittled down to 6 from the original 9

I covered days one to three here and here

On day four one has to cross the Bloukrans River at low tide or else stay and sleep on the bank or cross on the night low tide, a daunting proposition to say the least. We worked out that we would need around 4 hours to make the river by low tide which was at 12h10 that day.
Myself and my partner were walking upfront along with another couple, the others a fair distance behind us so we were unaware of the drama that played out behind us. My brother-in-law got unbalanced by his backpack and fell more than three meter’s onto jagged rocks, cutting his head open and his leg right through to the bone. One of the party was an ex-selous scout with basic medical knowledge and thankfully some strapping. He cleaned the wounds as bet as possible and went looking for cell phone signal. Eventually he contacted the National Sea Rescue Institute who in turn called Air Medical Services who evacuated the injured hiker via helicopter.

Time was ticking. We arrived at the Bloukrans River at 11h45 and started preparing for the crossing. All our backpacks had to be placed in big plastic bags and sealed…. While constantly keeping an eye open for the four behind us. At 12h10 the first two people did the crossing and finally we saw Bobby approaching, out of breath and looking seriously distressed. That is when we heard the news that Gary was laying injured and Dawn and Sally were waiting with him (along with national parks staff who responded to the distress call) for the helicopters arrival. Video below of Bloukrans crossing ....

Crossing the bloukrans … not us but very similar and it will give a good idea of what is involved

While we were sorting ourselves out after the crossing the helicopter went swooping along the coast en route to evacuating Gary and taking him to hospital.

and then we were six

The view from the hut at the overnight stay day four.

The shower… bracing cold water but not so bad after we all had a swim

The first lookout point on day five, a hectic climb on tired stressed legs.

We left early on day five as we wanted to get to the lookout point where there would be cell phone signal so we could find out how our friend was.

Looking back at the others climbing… my girl and I were at the first lookout

Yours truly trying to get information… just to hear he was in theater at that moment. We would have to wait until we got to the end of the hike for an update. The girls were intending to join us there.

Looking down at the day four huts. How beautiful is that?

Day five is one of the easier ones walking primarily along a high contour path

And finally we arrive at Storms River where the trail ends.

Still a long hike down, not as the crow flies but we finally arrived at our cars just after midday, looking forward to a shower and shave (me that is)

These hiking boots did not survive and would be hung in the Boot Cemetery later

We gathered at a burger joint which is sort of traditional for all who complete the hike.

All cleaned up and enjoying a cold one

Note the circle in the pic below… that tree is where all old hiking boots get retired after the Otter Trail

A fantastic experience despite the drama. If you enjoy nature and outdoors in general… make it happen!!

Thanks for reading ..... I hope I stirred your curiosity as regards this fantastic trail.


I was just browsing the Nature category and came across your post. I am always keeping an eye out for people who share my interests. This looks like an amazing and treacherous trip.
I have gone to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area a couple of times and intend to do some future posts about our adventures up there.
Upvoted and following!

Please do... it is always fascinating to see the different natural aspects of other countries. I shall follow so I do not miss them. We spent this past weekend at a private nature reserve... so keep an eye out for that blog soon.
Thanks for the vote and follow.

I will be watching for it!

It's just cool :D

Great idea to post pics from a hiking trip day by day. Often these trips have so many stories, places and photos to share, you have to turn em into separate blogs. I'll have to use the hiking tag myself on my posts, I never thought to use that one. Nice pics and scenery!

Thanks for the response. There were still so many forest photo's and the flora pics which I did not use. {meanders off to check unipsycho's blog}

haha, love your comment, it sounds like me on the trails. My hiking buddies know its best not to follow me, as I always meander off trail.

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