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RE: Macho Yoga, Anyone? - Yoga Help Needed

in #health7 years ago

Hey man! Just found this post and it's too hilarious for a seek for help hahah... But joking aside, I think I can give you a quick evaluation. I'm not posting yoga videos but as a husband, tattooer and amateur football player I think I can pass on some tips. Free of charge, of course. You got everything to gain and it's only up to you from this point on. I can relate to you reaching out and I really think I can help. Cheers! I'll write ya later. If you can just explain a little bit more what can be the stress gaining rutine that has your back/neck so stiff and waiting for you to drain off. I can help by teaching you a couple of moves (not that yogistic but a lot alike, I practice yoga, MMA, Taekwondo, Taichi and gardening helps a lot too, not to mention all the therapeutic stuff for my football and physical recovering after lots of games).. Sometimes exercising for just ten minutes a day you can relieve a lot of stress from your back, neck and knees, and those are the ones that men suffer the most along with aging. Happy week to all of you!


Probably a bit is the smart phone. I do over half my Steemit on my phone. But I had problems before I used smartphones.

I have stress. Mostly familial at the moment. And I had a business 'fail' or 'fail to get started'.

Does any of this help?

And I have had chiropractic and massage treatments before. With massages they never seem to work the kinks out. Its like they provide some relief... But I always feel like I'm just shy of unbunching the tensed muscle.

Perfect. That's the answer I was looking for. Most people will tend to look over the physical symptoms and try to remedy just that. But in reality we all do many activities and routines that we tend to left out when we look for a diagnosis. Our stress come from different places, and I'm going to try to be short and precise:

  • You need to find 5 to 10 min in the morning and same at night before sleep (every day) to find every stress on your body (Neck, back, shoulders, knees). How do you do that? Simple, you find your movility and breathe while exercising each one. In a couple of weeks you should be more flexible on those areas.
  • To drain the stress: There are simple movements that you just don't do, even when you were a kid, you probably didn't. It's called warmup and you need to always find the time to help therapeutically not only those places I mentioned, but to all of your body now. I'm going to suggest taichi and yoga (youtube is enough, you're not going for a championship), and by yoga I mean just learn a few exercises that you're confortable with and try to make them as soft and slow as you can. Every yoga practice is going to kick your ass so it isn't the best approach to go with (a complete class) when you just want to get better fast, maybe just for a long term you could sign up for one of those.
  • Mental wellness: You only need to understand that your body is a biological machine, you breathe, you eat, you process that and then you make a ton load of shit day after day that tires and ages your body, mind and soul for every year to come.... So the best approach is to turn to the brain to make amends. You need a clear mind, and a strong will to overcome your bad habits and specially all of the things that you really don't need every day. By that I mean even the time you spend sitting with bad posture, standing (bad posture), even eating and thinking (breathing!) are activities that you don't pay too much attention and can have the greater impact at any time in your life. Making decisions, dealing with anxiety, struggling with bad choices you already made and you just have to deal with, or simply understand, that should be the most important goal. To understand that you can be wrong and that is not a bad thing at all (just hard enough).

Anyway... I'm not telling you what to do, I'm trying to understand that as a man you have a lot of years behind you, work, choices, life... and the best thing to do you are already doing it. Asking questions, tring to undestand what you are going through and mos def troubling you. It's easy to jump to conclusions, but the results will show at the moment you realize that this is something new that you're going to build one day at the time, and looking over every routine and habit that is making you only stiffer as years pass. The physical part is where you need to be careful, because you could gain an injure free of charge (or even paying a lot) woking out too hard. So, the best thing to do is try to find that little extra that is going to make the difference between weeks, months, and maybe, just maybe after three years, you could finally believe that you've accomplished something that today you just don't have any idea on how you're going to start. I believe that I haven't got to the real answer that you need, but I know I have the power and knowledge to help you. And I'm just going to aim for it because I want to help. So I'll send you some links later, in a couple of weeks maybe. When I find some of the answers that you need to be a lot better and healthier, and by healthier I mean being THE MACHINE!!! Cheers and good night!

I appreciate it!

Lots to work on! 8-1

What up man! Have you tried to do something about aging? Start living or what? I'm up to a challenge, 100 pushups a day. I'm thinking about showing the count on a vid and there could be like a pushupoff where the last standing gets the bigger piece. You think people would join a contest lke that, D-Tube it?? It would be also a raise for awareness on health issues. Cheers, hope everything's going better!

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