in #health6 years ago

When I was a kid, my parents made sure that we understood the family escape route/ plan in case of an emergency. I grew up in Nebraska, so not only did we have a family fire evacuation route, but we had a tornado safety plan as well. In case of a tornado, we were to head immediately to our basement and get under the staircase. And for worst case scenarios, we had to get on our hands and knees and curl up into a ball to make sure our heads were protected.

Most businesses have protocols surrounding unforeseen circumstances. Companies plan for the best, yet are prepared for the worst. But, as individuals, doesn't it makes sense that we do the exact same thing for ourselves. After all, we are the CEOs of the greatest business we will ever run - our lives.

Do you have a strategy in place for when things fall apart? Do you know what to do or where to go when you start to lose control of things? Are there safeguards in place so that a rough patch doesn't quickly turn into a disaster?

You are the single most important and valuable asset in your life. Set up an emergency protocol that becomes so second nature, you will avoid potential disaster. Here are a few suggestions:

When things fall apart and I'm feeling anxious and stressed, I put on my shoes and go for a walk or a run. I know that exercise is the greatest anti-anxiety med available to me.
There are yoga classes that start every hour on the hour at the studio near my home. When I feel myself headed in a direction I know I can't handle I get to one of these classes.
I close my eyes and meditate for even 5 minutes when things begin to feel unmanageable.

Mindfulness is the first step in disrupting behavior. It's in those moments that we need a plan. When we don't have a plan, it's easy to reach for things that rarely help us in that moment. Having a plan helps change the direction in which we are headed and keeps us on track to our goal.


Advice worth keeping at heart!

You are the single most important and valuable asset in your life. Set up an emergency protocol that becomes so second nature, you will avoid potential disaster.

Thanks for sharing @ourdailyboard

Thanks for this information!
I'm really impressed

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