A day in a homeopath’s clinic: Tuesday 17th April

in #health6 years ago (edited)

35F4DC9F-9D80-4F21-999F-8E83120F15FF.jpegI rarely know what I will see in clinic in terms of new patients, I like the element of surprise and instinctive prescribing. Follow-ups are where I might look over notes just before the consult if the case was a complex one.

Patient 1-
Follow up of a thyroditis patient. We added remedies for stiffness in limbs today. Rhus-tox is like the oil to rusty anything musculoskeletal.

Patient 2, 3, 4
Mother and children follow up. We have resolved many ailments in the past few years however recently one of the children has eruptions that remain stubborn to prescriptions. Today he was given Bacillinum daily.

Patient 5, 6, 7
New set of siblings presenting various immunity complaints such as recurrent ear infection, cough and wheezing as is common to this region. Two perfect calc-carbs and one who will do polyvac detox.

Patient 8
Although the Hospital visit of a terminal patient was scheduled for tomorrow (sadly quite advanced in cancer and in deep morphine haze) I was overtaken by an overwhelming desire to pray for him which I did by setting a time aside. It’s not unusual for me to do this, my homeopathic approach is quite rational and based on pure logic however I strongly believe in prayer and divine assistance for healing and if overcome with thoughts for a patient I will set a time to pray for them even if I never met them as in this case.

Patient 9
First consult for a back pain sufferer and poor sleep amongst other ailments. Rhus-tox was the theme of the day along with Hellebores.

Patient 10
First consult for a chronic eczema and acne case in a nearly 18 year old. Eczema since a few months old. For now she will take Morgan-Gaertner and cortisone in homeopathic potency. I forgot to take photos to have something to compare in the coming months.

Patient 11
First consult: High blood pressure and tension. Patient under a lot of stress and was prescribed Aconite and appropriate blood pressure remedies. I will be keeping a close eye on this case.

As I write up my clinic day to share I have been informed that the terminal patient passed in the night. Witnessing/experiencing the passing of another individual is quite sobering and humbling. It makes the present moment and its urgency ever so clear. Priorities in life manifest themselves with such ease and profoundness. I pray God gives patience to the loved ones who were left behind by this man’s passing.

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