Dental Caries or Simply Tooth Decay introduction by a dentist.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

How well do you understand the health of your oral cavity and teeth? What are the black spots on your teeth? Why does your Tooth ache? Why are the Back teeth decayed mostly? Have you ever wondered why!!!
The main Villain for all these is Dental Caries.

Dental Caries

It literally means TOOTH ROT or DECAY in Latin.
Dental Caries is the biochemical destruction of the tooth structure by the micro organisms and their by products.
Improper Oral hygiene has been considered as the basic cause of Dental Caries. Whenever we eat some food, few food pieces either stick or get lodged in the teeth, meanwhile the micro organisms infest on this food qnd product harmful acids which cause degradation of tooth substance that leads to cavity formation.

Tetrad of Caries

It has been postulated that the caries depend on 4 things to occur image These are:

  • Host
  • Substrate (Carbohydrate Food)
  • Micro organisms
  • Time (most important)

These all when occur in relation to one another leads to Caries. Failing anyone to do so won't lead to the cavity formation.


There are several types of Caries and they can be:

  • Pit and Fissure Caries
  • Smooth Surface Caries
  • Root Caries
  • Nursing Bottle Caries
  • Rampant Caries
  • Secondary Caries

Caries Statistics

A survey coveyed by American CDC done between 2011-2014 shows following prevalence of Caries in US:

  • Nearly 91% of the American population above 20 years of age are affected by caries at some stage of life.
  • Nearly 17% of 5-19yrs are untreated Caries cases.
  • Nearly 27% of 20-44yrs are untreated Carie s Cases.
    In INDIA
    Acording to NOHS,;
  • Nearly 50-65% of Untreated Cases between ae group of 5-15yrs.
  • Nearly 45% of untreated cases in persons above the age of 20 yrs.


The Diagnosis of Dental caries is done by most of the methods. But the one most commonly used is visualization and tactile sensation of the tooth by a probe or explorer.
Various other confirmatory methods like Radiography, photometry, Transillumination, Tomography, etc can be used to confirm the location of the Caries on tooth.


The treatment of the carious tooth depends upon the extent of the damage done to the tooth structure.
The superficial and Shallow caries are generally treated by drilling out the dead and decayed tooth and filling it with inert material in order to restore the function of the tooth.

The deep Carious lesion with infected pulp is treated by performing the Root Canal Treatment along with fixed prosthetic Cap.

The extensive damaged tooth structure often goes for the extraction.

Complication of Dental Caries

  • The Pain in the tooth due to infected pulp.
  • Space Infections like Cellulites
  • Maxillary Sinus Infection
  • Bad Breath Halitosis.

So it is better to save the teeth while you can, from the Super Villain Caries
Proper Brushing along with Flossing is must for preventing the onset and progression of caries.
Flouride Tooth paste is generally add on in helping to keep away the Cavities.
Proper Dentist Consultation is requuired for proper prevention.

Till next post...



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