Read this article to leave the cigarette - part 2 - Determine the reasons why you decided to leave!

in #health6 years ago (edited)



Read this article to leave the cigarette - part 2 - Determine the reasons why you decided to leave!

In last post we discuse about "Read this article to leave the cigarette - part 1 - Say by by to cigarette!" Now in second step we describe an other step to say by by to cigarette. we talk about decision making to leave cigarette. 


If you are a smoker, it's best to know a few things about the habit that you're having, and perhaps these tips are effective and encourage you to cigarette smoking.

The fact is that most smokers do not have any physical dependence on it, and addiction to cigarettes has more psychological causes than physical and physical aspects, and the problem of leaving it is very difficult.

But if you're one of the hundreds of millions of smokers in the world, it's best to know that the results of the new research (2013 and 2014) show that smoking cessation occurs if a smoker falls below the age of 40 and can have many of the damages Because he has smoked his body, compensates himself and continues to live like a non-smoker.


Determine the reasons why you decided to leave! 

Make a list of reasons for stopping your smoking. This will help you get a clearer look at what you want to do. Later, during the term of the stay, if you are sometimes tempted to smoke again, you will need to go to this list. For example, you can write in your list:

If I quit smoking, then I can easily go, play with my child, have more energy, expand my career and earn more, have a healthier body and have a longer life, see my grandchildren's wedding, mental activity Better quality, smoother spirits and better decision making power.

other reasons:

Below are the first signs of smoking cessation in a smoker's body from the first 6 hours of smoking cessation to 15 years afterwards:

- During the first six hours of cessation, the function of the heart changes, it relaxes and relaxes, and the pressure on the heart and blood pressure slowly drops.

- On the first day of quitting smoking (24 hours after the last cigar), all nicotine is excreted in the blood, the blood monocyte reduces significantly, and oxygen reaches the tissues of the body and the heart more easily. The tip of the fingers becomes warmer and less of a gaz.

3. In the first week of cigar smoking, the sense of smell and taste will be significantly improved, the lung (six) smoker starts the process of rebuilding; the quality of the smoker's body gets better and the level of antioxidants such as vitamin C, In blood, it is significantly increased.

4. In the first month, the cessation of coughing and "sniff" of the lungs is noticeably reduced, the ability to transfer nutrients from blood to tissues increases considerably, and this way the ability of the individual immune system to fight With all kinds of bacteria it increases. Concentration and adhesion of the blood in the veins are significantly reduced, and circulation in the hands and feet is more powerful and powerful than in the past.

- During the first six months of smoking cessation, the smoker works much better and has much less sputum, and the person left has less stress and less stress.

- One year after the quit smoking, the person has a much more healthy lung and does not feel breathless and breathe more easily.

-2 to 5 years after quitting smoking, the risk of heart attacks, especially in men, has fallen sharply and over time, this risk becomes less and less and for women smokers 5 years after quitting smoking the risk of uterine cancer with almost one woman Non-smoking is equal.

- 10 years after quitting smoking, the risk of lung cancer in smokers significantly decreases.

And finally, 15 years after quitting smoking, the risk of a heart attack and stroke of an individual is almost equal to a non-smoker person. The person has left healthy lungs and does not differ much from a non-smoker in many health indicators.

All of this is while smoking cessation is under the age of 40, and as time passes by the age of 40, it is possible to compensate for a large proportion of these effects, although at the same age it can also reduce a large part of the risk Related diseases.

Perhaps after reading this text, which is based on scientific findings and research findings by scholars who have made scientific studies about cessation of smoking, the wisest thing for smokers to crush a pack of cigarettes and to say goodbye to this pleasure, or in other words, "the credibility of the burden" Be Maybe if you're at home, turning off cigarettes in the driveway and dropping it along with the hangman in the trash can be a good start to your smoking cessation.


In the next post:

Preparing for the symptoms of quitting addiction to nicotine! 

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