Today I Found: "The Truth About Cancer" also on scope Happy Mother's Day and an Introduction to Sunday Runs (Hidden Gems Throughout)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

Hello I'm back to posting my ass off so you can expect more and more in the coming weeks, now that Steem has passed the 1USD mark again and we are motivated to conquer the world you will have my spear in the field :).

That being said there are a few things I would like to update you on today and one you reminded me of, those being:

"Statistics on Cancer 1 of 4 males dies 1 of 5 females" I can tell you I've seen it enough of it and even wanted to do what the man is already up to. (2 spaces 2 pages for those on computers), Happy Mothers Day (space/page 3)(hidden gem there too) and a personal story to conclude

A personal message: I can tell you I know how loosing relatives feels, I've lost two in my family, mothers of friends and close friends of my family, so I'm one to search of ways to prevent and cure diseases when they emerge, also don't take my word for it and check things for yourselves since I'm not the best of examples and I'm not flawless either.
Anyway one of the boons of facebook is that it's a information network like any other so information trends past barriers from time to time.

Just now when I was getting ready to call it off and power down (my PC :D ) I saw a post on
"The Truth About Cancer"
I was immediately interested and since the time is "short" at least according to the website

"Enter your first name and best email address below right now, and you’ll  be first in line to see the entire 9-part series – for free – beginning  with Episode 1 on May 16th… "

Even without that message I already have found some of the episodes over at the other "Hellhole" :D guys we need to stop the warring with sites seriously, sorry but I've read a few too many times how steemit is the bomb and everybody is eveil :D and also :D this is a joke, deal with it :D my way of leaving block quotes :D and how I react to the mailing lists also, it may be real and a great production but the marketing always gets the asshole out of me.

So without Further Ado here is the first episode for FREE

The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest - Episode 1


I would say start here for some of your anarchy and military industrial complex information
(add & to the link ) but please watch it whole I'm rushing to post this since I'm a bit excited I have to say, I would say even if it's 18 hours of material WATCH IT and LEARN from IT, please don't spend your day sulking away and wishfully thinking for money and cars, we've done enough damage to ourselves as it is and more bullshit won't help us in any way, here I'm ranting again, :D back on topic

Educate Expose Eradicate sounds awesome @creatr was posting some notifications on Chris Beat Cancer and his material (which I did look at when it was opened for a weekend) And I can only say the following videos would add multiple layers on top preferably with priceless information!

so next time you are wondering why people aren't living up to 100y/o (at least) and living with disease and looking like walking dead after 40/50 (I'm sorry but most of us loose our shine too soon) know that the extra chemicals we spray, pray to and consume are a major cause

Episode 1 is on History of the Pharmacy (Investment Industry) so please at least watch some history I can tell you I haven't watched the whole videos, but I will for sure. Once again check for yourself, but please learn and stop this madness, only you can :)

Now enough about that, there are enough priceless videos and information already. If I was going to post every video and book, article and talk I've went through I would need a few more keyboards, not to mention how much there is still uncovered.

Second on the menu for today:

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! (for Americans)

Make your mothers proud, be the best for that I can only give you a short message from one of your greatest speakers(I don't mean Obama) I mean Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King - Motivational speech (If you can't walk then crawl)

3 tips on "success" but I would say really-sing in life (realizing)
It's truly moving and inspirational with many solutions and messages that should echo more into space, in short:

  • Know your worth
  • Strive for Excellence
  • Determination towards principles (Beauty, Love and justice)
    But do I need to dilute the message :) I hope I haven't

Finally some information around me if anybody cares (I will keep it short) I've been missing out on steemit for a while, but I've merely stepped back because of my growing frustration with the problems around here ( it was quite serious and bots, people leaving, dan retiring from the team, flag wars, general annoyance and discontent coupled with a "great time for experimenting" just listing mostly it turned out ok and I hope we can learn from mistakes and not close our eyes to them)
That and the amount of time it takes to curate + comment + read read read and write repeat took it's toll on me and I'm still not out of the woods, I got my net suspended, I'm out of Dough :D and so on so I had to return to my works and hone my craft for a while.

Not to worry I've only gathered ideas and material, after all I only wish I had the time to make my 50 posts and read all the 3000 pages I've selected (not exaggerating there), but as I've said already I will have to step my game up and deliver, just because i want to test my mental and organizational skills and hone them, coupled with my writing and everything else I like doing :) so if I don't make a post once a week at least I quit, not to mention I said I would do posts daily.

And for the final message of the day, I propose we start a Running Sundays trend like the @steemit-health by @dan-atstarlife I'm not going to chase you though if you are interested I can make a weekly post where you all can clock your time or KM's/ Miles and distribute the rewards, but I would rather hear good stories and here is why and how I got that "inspiration" again it's facebook which I don't use often (thanks steemit for making me use social media and have some hopes for humankind and communication :) ), there I saw a post on a marathon, something easy (5KM's tops) where you were running for those who couldn't (people with spinal injuries and many others inhibiting movement )

It's a general thing people tend to do, bunch up and try to change the world not thinking about that it's here today and gone tomorrow, so I would like to have a recurring theme, just run for pleasure, fun and strength, you will learn more and maybe even save a life, just do it properly (fix your form) (don't injure yourself) (don't strain your legs too much) (listen to your body, but also know it too) (focus on rhythmic breathing ) (keep a steady pace)

To give you a few benefits, your lymph will travel 2-3 times more so cleaning your body, you will oxygenate your whole body thus energizing it, if you do run for extended periods(months) your heart rate will decrease from ~ 150 and lower to around 120 stabilize and you will be more prone to dealing with stress and other daily chores it seems, also you will adapt and overcome things easily because of the added benefits, less trash in your body and more energy means more efficiency.

That being said I'm not sure how people would run with cars next to them so pick a park or a rural area or a suburban place near you, or pick the right time to do it, whenever the air is decent because as with anything the "dose makes the poison" and running can be your downfall, the funny thing is there is a story on how the man who popularized jogging did die form a hear attack, go figure.

I can go around this topic for a while, but I'm afraid I should leave it off for another time, I'm going to share my story on running sometimes later :) there is enough in this post already I feel and I'm getting tired just bashing keys :D so,

Cheers, Mothers, Fathers, Man and Women, Brothers, Sisters, Sons and Daughters
Have a wonderful and insightful journey, make the best of it :)


Any questions feel free to ask, also please Re-Steem and do what you will, but show your worth :)
I'm thinking of spamming some notifications :D I'm back :D Have a good time


Welcome back, dude. Powerful stuff. You really hit the right notes with this one!

Always feel that you count!
Keep on writing and keep your articles short. Split them in 2 if needed. Imagine we all have 40 votes per day and need to read 40 ++++ articles
It was a happy Mother's Day indeed 💕

I can't do it :D i let loose :D I know I'm wishing for more power :D at least I can vote at 50% and get my number to 80 so far I nee it since i have to cool down for 3 days to let the VP build back up, I was totally out of steemit for the most part and not engaging as heavily as I used to so it's a reverse trend to get the addiction back up :)

Your advice is correct and I'm linking your comment on promotion ideas

Thank you Thank you :)

All takes time :) and patience as I mentioned before

I have followed this entire series. Very revealing. He is moving on to cover vaccines now I believe.

I did so too didn't know there were new videos, but what I've linked i new to me at least and much more vast in scope

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