What is best to drink in the morning?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I don’t know if you ever thought about what is best to drink in the morning, but if you ended up on STEEMIT, you are probably interested in this matter. Anyway, even though you are not interested, I don’t see what you’d have to lose if you’d read more lines…

03. Ce este bine să bei dimineața.jpg

Apart from the traditional advices with “Drink water each day!” or “Drink green tea in the morning!”, there are also other recommendations which people seem to forgot about- or maybe some haven’t even tried them at all…

The present article brings you 3 practical ideas on what is advisable to drink in the morning. I can say that these are among the healthiest ones. But you’ll see that for yourself! Therefore, let’s not waste any more time talking nonsense and let’s see what’s the first recommendation:

Homemade vegetal milk

It is all about an ordinary milk which even a 7 year old can make.
You just have to put in a blender one liter of water, a teaspoon of honey and about 150 g of nutmeat. Mix it well and in approximately 60 seconds you’ll notice how the water turns white like milk. Apart from the fact that it is beefy, it is also nurturing and healthy.


(picture from cristinadraghici.ro)

Homemade shake

In a blender- where you put one liter of water- add a banana, a raw egg, some oat flakes, some currants, some almonds, a teaspoon of honey, an avocado and voila! Shake it, shake it, then you drink it!


(picture from copilul.ro)

The remedy drink

Here I am talking about a natural drink made of a green plant, quite handy to all of us- parsley that is. Exactly like in the previous examples, you’ll need a blender. So add circa 0.5 liters of water in it, a fresh rise bush of parsley, squeeze a lime and, finally, the customary teaspoon of honey. Mix it all up well and drink it. But bear in mind something: you should not have this drink each morning. This beverage is recommended in cleansing diets, lasting approximately 7 days. So after you pass these 7 days- during which you have drank this beverage each morning- turn again to it only after several months.


(picture from albawaba.com)

Now, if you are familiar with what is best to drink in the morning, don’t stop only at my advices. There are many other ones: starting from individually squeezed fruits and ending up with all sorts of mixes and combinations between yogurt and cereals, veggies and fruits, cereals and fruits, etc.

As you can see, plain water can be “updated”. But we are all bored with it. I even had a talk with my grandmother at some point about this subject and she told me:” So what, is it that hard for you (meaning me and my wife) to just boil a pot of water with some apples in it?” So this is when my light bulb went on in my head. Why should I drink all summer long plain water when I can add some apples or some pears, I can squeeze the zest, put it in the fridge and drink it instead of plain water- water with apple or pear flavor. Grandmas are always right!

Ops, it’s kind of late! It’s already 3 o’clock in the morning! After a couple of hours I’m off to work.

Cheers and may God help us all!



i start my morning with smoothie. i have put togheter a super smoothie where the base is chaga mushroom extract. will be posting the recipe soon:) thanks for the post. stay safe

Freshly prepared fruit and vegetable smoothie is my favourite morning drink. Infact I had one this morning.

You noticed how much evergy you have after you drink these kind of drinks?

You are right! Quite energetic and refreshed.

First, I need orange juice before breakfast. Once I'm fully functional, then it's a smoothie to keep me going!

Orange juice every morning?

Only for about 30 years! Now I'm going to find out that's not good?

If you feel good, that's fine.

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