Keto-ish Dairy Free Fudge - 2 Ways!

in #health6 years ago

Hey guys! So, a while back I posted about starting a fitness challenge. I was going to do -or rather, with the help of some resistance bands- attempt to do pull-ups daily. My goal was just to get stronger. I wasn't going to talk about pounds or inches. However, I flaked. (Sigh...)

fudge 5.jpg

However, around that time I also posted a video featuring my healthy breakfast and suggesting that everyone should eat their breakfast, when @freedomglen mentioned Keto. A friend of mine also started talking about how great she was feeling while following Keto principles and I decided to give it a try.


Now, ir you've followed me for any length of time, you know I don't really do well in boxes. I like to "crowbar it" and so when I talk about Keto, I say I'm following Keto-ish principals. (Be careful out there- the Keto Police are ready to pounce if you're not careful! 😉)


Anyway, I now eat two meals a day, usually, but will sneak a fat bomb or finish off the kids' cheese & turkey rather than tossing it. I also have given up breads and starches. I am feeling amazing. Like I'm more satisfied than I can ever remember feeling. It helps that I love healthy fats. But honestly, I never thought I would stop missing bread, but I'm feeling so good and when I do have some bread- I can feel the difference.


So, I know lots of keto recipes will use a sweetener such as stevia or Swerve, but I just feel better using honey, coconut sugar, molasses, dates or maple syrup in case the kids get into it. I know, I know. There are some great articles out there regarding the safety of Stevia, but I make choices with my gut and my gut says to stick with my sweeteners.


So, I made these two versions of Keto-ish Fudge and the results were pretty darned TASTY! The first recipe took bananas, coconut oil, raw cacao powder and I added dates and sea salt.


The second batch called for avocados, cacao powder, maple syrup and coconut butter, but it was jamming up the Vitamix so I ended up adding quite a bit of coconut oil and half a can of full fat coconut milk. I then added dates and sea salt. But the second batch is considerably lighter because of the addition of the coconut milk.


Now for the crazy part. I didn't save the recipes. Not that they would have done you much good because I totally changed the amounts as I always do and with the kids all clamoring around waiting to help lick the spoons, well, I just didn't think to write it down either.


So, if you see a recipe for banana keto fudge, give it a try! Truth be told, half my family preferred the banana version. However, my daughter @Tonks and I who are hard-core avocado fans definitely preferred the Avocado variety. Oh! AND if you think you don't like coconut, don't worry- the taste of the coconut milk doesn't really come through with all that cacao and salt. @Tonks does NOT like coconut, but I've had to hide the fudge from her and the rest of the @crowbarkids.


All photos taken with my Android device.


I chose @Crowbarmama as a handle because I believe in doing the best you can with what you have on hand. The crowbar is a multi-purpose tool. You’ll notice my photography is a bit rough, my grammar is not the most polished, but as a homeschooling, homesteading mama of 4, if I waited to take my photos until the light was perfect or re-edited my posts a 5th time ( I shoot for 3 drafts), I would never get a post out!

Don’t sweat the small stuff, just Crowbar it!

If you like what you're reading, please upvote and subscribe! Also, I love feedback! Constructive criticism is one of the best ways to grow. I want to know what you think!


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I love all the pictures that included all the bite marks!

I don't know how I feel about avocados in fudge... but I do agree with you on making decisions with my gut.

Avocados make the BEST chocolate mousse too! The trick is to use lots of cocoa or cacao powder to make it a nice strong chocolate to cover the avocado and don't forget the salt! The salt is absolutely necessary... You have to try it! Although suprisingly, this time the kids liked the banana version better!

I wanna have my hands on those! And i like how you cut them into bite size!! Arghhh! Totally drooling..

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Really i wanna have those.. haha i am in no mood for making one..

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@maquemali If you have a good blender or food processor, it's quite easy!

darn! mine got damage.. i might get a new one.. i will definitely try this sometime..

Looks amazing!!!!! 💛💚💛

It's hard to stay away from. I keep sneaking it!! Lol!

This is one of my favourite recipes @crowbarmama! It was a top favourite in my raw food restaurant. Love you pictures. Isn't it wonderful that you can give your children healthy treats and they enjoy it? I'm sure @naturalmedicine will appreciate your version

Thanks! Had to take photos quickly before little hands gobbled up the samples. Thanks for mentioning @naturalmedicine. I hadn't seen them before and am now following. Great stuff there!

Raw food restaurant? How fun! I so wish my daughter could handle nuts. I've seen amazing recipes based on cashews,but it's one of her major allergens. 😥

That is so bad @crowbarmama! Have you tried soaking nuts? I did a post including the importance of soaking nuts and grains, a few days ago for #fruitsandveggiesmonday (another one for you to enter!) Editing to add

@buckaroo I've only ever soaked almonds as the reaction to walnuts, pistachios and especially cashews have been very quick. She hasn't ever ingested, just getting a kiss on her cheek from someone who'd eaten nuts left a hard red welt on her cheek so I'm very cautious. 😭

Oh dear @crowbarmama. Then you certainly can't risk it! I have a friend who carries medication for incase she also receives an unknown nutty kiss. I'm sorry for both of you that she is so allergic

@buckaroo We've seen so many professionals traditional and non- and this diet is the only thing that brings her back to balance. She used to eat all the broccoli in the garden before I could bring it in, now raw vegetables break her out. It's unfortunate, but I still have hope that someday we'll heal her gut and she'll be able to have all the lovely raw fruits and veggies she used to enjoy. For now it's lots of healing fats & rich bone broths.

Excuse me asking but has she been vaccinated? Often that is the trigger for all sorts of allergies. In which case a good homeopath can work out a detox protocol for her. It may not cure her fully but it will reverse and stimulate repair. Don't lose heart. Healing fats and bone broth are still amazing. She must just be frustrated not being able to eat so many lovely fresh garden foods

@buckaroo Sigh... Yes, partially. I don't discuss this topic here because of how divisive it can be, but to tell you the truth, my family would be a great case study.
Child #1 - fully vaccinated up until age 5, No allergies, but RSV and pneumonia every year until about age 5.
Child #2 - I received the H1N1 vaxx @ 6 months pregnant. She then received only 1 vaxx at a time, and if she had so much as a runny nose or patch of eczema, we skipped. She never got the MMR, thank goodness. Skin issues by 1 month of age. We've been to Stanford, UCSF, chiropractors, energy healers, homeopaths... nothing has helped except bone broth. One homeopath kept giving her Undas, assuring me there would be no side effects, and that they only worked on a cellular level, but we dripped some on her arm and she broke out immediately. I have lost hope inhomeopathy. 😭
Children #3 & 4 - no vaxx's. Healthiest and quickest to recover when ill.

Looks so delicious! Wish i could have some now. Yum!
Curious to know what is keto diet?

I'm no expert, but I basically have cut out all bread, rice, potatoes, grains and focus on eating Vegetables and healthy fats with every meal. I eat a bit of egg and meat daily so I don't necessarily focus on protein like some keto followers do.

I found this post which is pretty interesting.

I see... Thank you for sharing this with us. Sounds interesting. Might want yo research more on this. Thanks for the link you shared. X

@sherylneil You're welcome! As I mentioned, I'm in no way strict about it, but it's been working for me. Perhaps if I was strict I'd be getting results faster, but I'm happy with slow and steady! 😆

Awesome fudge! This would be gone in no time at my house, both batches! lol Love it @crowbarmama!

Thanks @birdsinparadise! I try to ration it since there is still some sugar in it, but you know how fast avocado and banana turns so well, we may splurge over the weekend to finish it all off! 😉

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