Warts and Verrucas cured by Magic!!

in #health7 years ago

Well, more specifically, the magic of homeopathy!!

This young girl came to me with numerous warts and verrucas. Both feet were covered and she had 4-5 warts around her fingernails on her middle fingers.

She was a lively, attractive and likable character, but she was extremely self conscious about her warts and verrucas. 

She had had verrucas aged 10, but they went away by themselves, but these came back when she was 13, and now at 16 they were causing her pain and discomfort. The skin was sometimes cracked and sore, and the verrucas could be painful to walk on.

We talked at length about her health history, and the most notable detail was that she has suffered from glandular fever (or mononucleosis) just a few months earlier. She was still struggling with energy levels, which were dipping dramatically at times. 

She had occasional colds that would include sinus congestions, and she sometimes had dry skin on her elbows.

Otherwise, she was fit and well, with very little in the way of symptoms to indicate a particular remedy.

In cases like these, where there is little indicate particular remedies, it is clinical experience that guides me to a prescription.

Many times I have used a remedy called Sycotic Compound along with a more well-known remedy, Thuja, to cure warts and verrucas. Often I find that a constitutional remedy is needed alongside these, but on this occasion I chose to use Carcinosin, indicated by the recent glandular fever infection. 

I sent this patient away with a prescription of Carc 200c and Thuja 200c to be taken weekly on Mondays and Thursdays, and Syc. Co. 30c to be taken alongside the weekly remedies, daily for 28 days.

We booked a follow-up for 8 weeks time, but they were unable to attend. 

Last week, the patient returned to ask for remedies for an acute illness.

I asked about the verrucas, and a delighted smile appeared on her face!

"They vanished!" she said. 

Within about 6 weeks of the remedies, every single one of the 30 verrucas and warts were gone, all thanks to the Magic of Homeopathy!!


Nice case Catherine. Good to see pictures.
My first thought was ouch as I’ve been in this situation with varucas and warts around my finger nails. 😄
If you burn them off they just return, right?
Homeopath worked well for mine too. Dose of sulphur.

You are right Sally, burning them off doesn’t solve the problem, they just come back, and when there are so many it can be very painful!
With homeopathy you stimulate the immune system to clear them naturally and permanently!

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