
Thank you, after being heavily exposed in the early 1990's, and not even being aware that I was eating a round up heavy diet after that, finally almost destroyed my life. I think a lot of new food allergies, gluten among them, can be attributed, in part, to the increasing use of glyphosate.

You're welcome. I'm sorry that you had to experience all of that but glad that you have found a new way of eating that has contributed to your better health and well being! :)

If it hadn't happened, I wouldn't have learned so much about diet and nutrition. I also wouldn't have learned so much about cancer. Once I got past the fear, it turned out to be a breeze. Cancer is a big tool of the fear porn pushers, to make money. It turns out cancer isn't even a disease, it's a symptom. I think the medical, pharma, insurance, regulatory industrial complex wants us to believe that health is this big complicated thing that only they can handle. It's not only simple, it gets to be yummy too. Actual food tastes good compared to the industrial products that are fed to us under the guise of nutrition and health.

Sounds like it may have been a blessing in disguise, in the long run.
The pathway to health is much less complicated than big pharma would have us believe! I agree with what you've said. Keep up the good work as you gain new insights!

I find it is mostly a blessing for me. I look around and see a world full of people who I haven't been able to reach. The only people who seem to listen are those who already know. There is so much unnecessary suffering in the false name of "the common good".

Keep doing what you're doing because it will make a positive impact on those who choose to listen. God bless you!

Onward and upward.

true that, :) let's go sign a petition and go protest :| scream we want whatever, we need help, we need :|

health is easy, stop destroying it :D you were born healthy, the environment was healthy 200 years ago, then we started treating it as a machine. Before that it was in our idea, but we never had the capacity to act like rulers over the earth, only romans for a little while could order plantations over continents and ten the britts, but still they had no planes and machines to spray and engineer such ridiculous "advancements" well we are only killing ourselves so it's no big deal :"|

Very profound statement! It's so unfortunate what has happened in that respect. I think we just have to take individual responsibility and do what we can and that's all we can do.

++ on the topic of cancer I haven't watched the whole series but it's too large. 12 parts so ~15 hours can't imagine what it took to film it :D

It's a pretty good series. More and more of this kind of information is becoming available to those who doubt the murderous money making monsters.

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