About Cancer and how to Cure it!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Cancer is a disease very common in wealthy countries and much less common in poorer countries (http://www.wcrf.org/int/cancer-facts-figures/data-cancer-frequency-country).
In my opinion, this is closely related to feeding habits and mainly related to sugar eating patterns. Many long, seemingly complicated articles are written about this and that's why I want summarise the main idea, in order to get to the conclusion quickly without taking more of your reading time than nessecary. ;)
In order to do so I'd like to refer to a scientist named Otto Warburg, who won the Nobel Prize in 1931 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Heinrich_Warburg)
Mr. Warburg discovered that there is ONE huge difference between normal cells and cancer cells. Whereas normal cells gain their energy from burning sugar with oxygen, cancer cells gain their energy by fermenting sugar (= without oxygen). Using other words: normal cells live by oxidation while cancer cells live on anaerobic glycolyse. We can also say that normal cells turn into cancer cells, once they cannot breathe anymore...once they start to live without oxygen. Besides, this latter anearobic proces trough which cancercells grow is much less efficient and uses more sugar than the respiratory proces of normal cells. Sugar feeds these cancercells and tests in hospitals are based on this: glucose is used to help the cancercells show up in scans.
Another scientists, Johanna Budwig, who took over Warburg's work in the 1949 discovered that unsaturated fatty acids in the cell membrane enable, and are necessary for cell respiration (= breathing with oxygen). In other words: we need plenty of those! Budwig found out these serviceable fatty acids dissolve in water, once combined with proteins. Based on these findings she created a recipe that should be able to assist in curing cancer. The ingredients are: 150 ml of yoghurt, curd or cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of linseed, 2 tablespoons of wheat germs, 2 tablespoons of oat bran, 2 teaspoons of refined linseed oil, 1 capsule of Lactobacillus Acidophilius. Mix the ingredients together and add some fruit for a better taste.
Conclusion: stop eating sugar and start eating the right fats in order to get the healthiest cell membranes, enabeling the normal cell respiration. Google the info yourself and find out these facts, which many companies don't want you to know because they earn well from the massive sugar addiction of most people, causing cancer. Live according to what you learn and live a healthy life! I wish so for you all.c


Cancer doesn't have a cure per se.
I think you are talking more about how to prevent it, which is really nice.
Good post :)

Hi Silent, prevent and cure! People were actually cured by Budwig's recipe. You can e.g. search for Budwig-diet.

Good food if hard to find, Always try to go with fresh :)

excelent topic

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