My Latest Testimonial - An Autistic Kid Damaged By VaccinessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

This is a testimonial that I received earlier this week & just wanted to share.

"My almost 5 year old boy was diagnosed with Autism a few days after his third birthday.
His dad and I were at lost.

After searching and searching in the internet, we decided to try the Biomedical approach. Our first appointment costed $800, plus a box of $500 worth of supplements, and about 5 test kits worth thousands of dollars.

We started giving him about twenty or more supplements per day and we put him on a strict diet. Unfortunately, about three weeks from starting the treatment, his symptoms worsened. His belly popped out, he began going around in circles, he got constipated for the first time in his life, began scripting , etc. His DAN/MAPS (biomedical doctor) answer was : "Oops!"
Little I knew that all these supplements contained silica and other additives that contributed to his already high toxic load.
I continued biomedical for another year. I even changed DAN/MAPS three times thinking that the next was going to be better than the other. Each time I went there I came out with 3-5 test kits and more supplements. His symptoms kept getting worse.

I kept battling bacteria to get yeast. I killed the yeast to get bacteria. I killed parasites to get more yeast.....
Finally, after a year, I gave up and decided to educate myself.

That's how after several sleepless nights of doing research I decided to try CEASE Homeopathy and Alan.
We started with the lowest dose of the polyvaccine remedy.

He immediately started to ask "where?" "what?" "who?" questions. He began to awake to this world.
"Mommy: What is this?" (Bricks). "Mommy: What are they for?" (You build houses and buildings with bricks").
His vocabulary exploded! I could not believe it!
I even loved when he shut me up!
"Mommy, please! Be quiet!"
He also began to follow complicated directions and doing things he never did before. Like opening the children's security latch of the TV stand, finding his own film, opening the DVD player, using the remote to press "play", "pause", "stop". He even learned to disconnect the electricity button of the TV to annoy his sister!
We could not believe our eyes!
At the end of the eight weeks, I even began to push Spanish on him. Spanish is our first language. English is our second. However, English is his favorite language since he heard it at school every day. To my surprise, he began to catch it really fast!

Two weeks ago, we had his annual IEP meeting. He was voted unanimously by all the team to go to mainstream kindergarten.
What else can I say?
Thank you Alan!
We owe you a big one!
The Arranz family"

Alan's notes: This was the result of one prescription! Total cost: $220.
Disclaimer: I don't always get results so quickly, I have other cases that take a looooong time to get to this stage. I have permission to publicise this testimonial from the family.

(picture posted with permission from family)


Resteemed to 1340 people. I love your work. I'm grateful you're on this platform. Let's heal some kids. @ausbitbank

resteemed to 7 people, top that! oh wait.... srsly tho good job doingur part to spread the word. vaccines suck so so much. not trying to kiss ass just always happy to find anti vaccine ppls

Message me on Steemit chat about this convo and I'll give you some leads if people to tag.

@aggroed I've joined chat but have no idea what to do there :)

You talk to people :)

You find people who agree with you and cultivate them. You find people who have been hurt and comfort them and offer them a chance. You grow real life advocates and heal the sick that wouldn't have otherwise known how to reach you.

Be awesome. Send me a note and I'll send it some love. You're great and I'm so glad you're here.

Oh that's really kind, thank you. And yes! I'm on a mission (along with my colleague @sallylloyd)

I'm looking forward to future interactions @alanfreestone, my brother has 2 autistic nephews by marriage. They are highly functioning, and probably now smarter than peers their own age. They, as well as my brother(retired military,guinea pig vaccine pincushion) did better after a series of hyperbaric oxygen.

Interesting @sighmanjestah , yes I had lots of vacc from my time in the military & it started an autoimmune reaction (rheumatoid arthritis in my knees, now fixed thanks to homeopathy). Hyperbaric can sometimes do great stuff.

Good work Alan! Love it.

@alanfreestone i see you are a homeopath, thank you for being one of the good guys and alsofor sharing this amazing story and working to spread the truth about fucking vaccines. i hate em so much, i think they warrant cursing even on this super positive platform lol

this is awsome work. upvoted reateemed and followed

That's really kind too, thank you :-)

Oh, this is great news!
Thank-you for being there for this family, and others.

Thank you as always CC :)

Hi do you have a website wirh more info on your autism medication? Thanks

@wakeupworldnews my website :

That's a beauty. Did you see 'causa' and head straight there? Do you do that even when there are steroids in the history? I'm wondering about heading more directly to the 'causa'.

about being less nervy about aggravations by doing so. Right now I think I'm a little too cautious. I'd love to be getting to the causa sooner ... and Ton Jansen's hierarchy holds me back. [I know he stresses 'causa' upper most].

Yes. Sometimes you need to just gamble & go for the causa. IF there's an aggravation then you know to detox the steroids first, then return to the causa.

That's what I guessed. I got a bit scared after a BCP detox aggravation and needed to go back to detox the steroids she'd applied to a child.
The problem with following the hierarchy is that it can take a while to get to the cause [usually vaccines in my experience, similar to yours] and it is hard to keep people in the process if it is drawn out, even if the process is well explained. I, like them, want to see results soon. Sometimes the totality remedy is enough to do that to some extent, especially with the steroid obstruction out of the way ... but sometimes the gains are only going to come [logically enough] when the cause is dealt with.
I'm going to be braver.

Ton teaches causa first. So that's usually the way to go (unless there's an obvious block). If someone had 2 courses of steroids 5 years ago, I'll disregard it. However if they are on a daily steroid inhaler I'll not.

Have you started to mix your steem life and other SM life yet? Can I share outside steem yet ... or you are still keeping the separation?

Yes share, I've stuck it on EAT already.

Share anything? Or just this one?

Ha just this....sometimes I want my privacy (he says)

Forgive my ignorance, but I'm somewhat confused. Did you CURE the autism?

I'm not sure where to correlation between autism and vaccines is coming from in this article with such a title.

It's coming from daily clinical evidence. Alan has worked with more than 700 cases of children with autism, very many of whom are reported by parents to have regressed, losing language, engagement and other skills directly or soon after immunisation.
In my (similar) practice the most common regression time is between about 15 and 17 months.

I just never knew there was a cure. Guess big pharma doesn't want people to know.

Thank goodness there is, looking at the rate at which autism is growing. We really are heading to health's equivalent of 'peak oil'. We can cure, but it often takes a lot of time and effort. Homeopathy is by far one of the most economical and safe ways to treat autism symptoms [autism is a syndrome of symptoms, not a finite condition in itself]. We are usually looking at brain inflammation and accumulation of toxic metals when a child regresses after vaccination. Almost always they have a genetic mutation called MTHFR snp, with either one or two copies of this mutation, which prevent them from detoxing metals.

I was estimating from last year's numbers :-)

ha, it goes up by 5 per week :)

Hi @thatsweeneyguy , the kid still has an autism diagnosis from his paediatrician, but the symptoms have decreased dramatically (he's gone from being non-verbal to talking for example) over a very short period. I imagine that within a year they'll be saying 'he no longer meets the criteria for an autism diagnosis'.

Then I imagine we'll be seeing you on worldwide news if you've found a cure

You would think so @thatsweeneyguy. Instead my colleagues have been targeted by UK journalists trying to do a 'hit piece' on them (without looking at any evidence of what their methods are doing). I suspect you'll be treated to various Kardashians on worldwide news & I'll stay in obscurity :)

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