The Greek government don't represent any more the majority of Greeks in the Contrary they are fascist trying to hide yesterday the will of the majority in Macedonia!

in #greece6 years ago (edited)

Look what the Greek Goverment tried unsuccessful to hide yesterday... All greeks clearly against the Goverment decisions... The greek government represent probably less than 10% of Greeks currently !!!

1.Κλεισανε τα μοναδικα κρατικα διοδια στα Μαλγαρα με εντολή απο το υπουργειο συγκοινωνιών για να εμποδισουν την διέλευση του κόσμου στο συλλαλητήριο.


... ο κόσμος όμως αντέδρασε ενώμενος εναντίον των προδοτών!!!!

  1. Σχεδον 200 λεωφορεία απο στερεά Ελλάδα και οχι μονο τους κρατησανε στο καλοχωρι( καλοχωρι εως λευκος πύργος 10χλμ !) και απο εκει τους επέτρεψαν να έρθουν με τα ποδια μεχρι στο συλλαλητήριο
    (μιλαμε για ανθρωπους καθε ηλικίας ηλικιωμένοι, νεοι, οικογενειάρχες ,μικροι, μεγάλοι ,ΑμΕΑ. )
    3.Διαπιστώσαμε με λυπη οσοι παρευρέθηκαμε σε αυτόν τον μεγαλο αγώνα οτι ριξανε τα δίκτυα της κινητής τηλεφωνιας. Δεν λειτουργούσε κανενα δικτυο.
  2. Δεν λειτουργούσε σχεδον καθολου καποιο πάροχο δεδομένων στα κινητα του κόσμου προφανως να μην γίνονται κοινοποίησης και αναρτήσεις! Τα κανάλια μα κυριως τα κρατικα που τα πληρώνουμε εμεις οι φορολογούμενοι πολίτες δεν δειξανε ούτε ενα πλανο !
    Ποσο εσωτερικο ΜΠΟΪΚΟΤΆΖ απο το Ελληνικό κρατος???? Ντροπη σε ολους εκει που δίνουν αυτές τις εντολές!
    Ερτ1: Το αλάτι της Γης
    Ερτ2: Καλλιτεχνικό πατινάζ
    Ερτ3 ποδοσφαιρικος αγώνας
    Mega: καταλάθος μπαμπάς
    Αντ1: Θα βρεις το δάσκαλο σου
    Alpha: Μια κυρία στα μπουζούκια
    Star: Traction
    Σκάι: 9 μήνες
    Την ίδια ωρα που η Θεσσαλονίκη βουλιάζει με περισσότερο από 500.000 κόσμο στο μεγαλύτερο συλλαλητήριο μετά το 1992. Για την Μακεδονία μας! Για την Μακεδονία μας τη μία την ελληνική!
    Πόσο περισσότερος αποπροσανατολισμός της κοινής γνώμης? Πόσο φίμωτρο πια από τα "ελληνικά" κανάλια!
    Καθίκια ανώτατοι "δημοσιογράφοι"
    Η ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ! Τον λαό δεν θα τον φιμωσετε ποτέ!
    Βαλτε την monkeydonia στο πατο σας !

Υ.Γ. η κοινοποίηση δεν είναι ποινικό αδικημα.
Κοινοποιήστε το ολοι για να δουν τα αισχη του κρατους

1.Close the unique state-owned tolls in Malaga, ordered by the transport ministry to prevent the passage of the people into the rally.


... but they reacted against them and opened the gates breaking the law !!! YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!


  1. Nearly 200 buses from solid Greece and not only kept them in the well (good white tower 10km!) And from there they allowed them to come with the legs up to the rally
    (we talked about people of all elderly, young, family, small, older, disabled people.)
  2. We have been saddened by those who have attended this great race that they have thrown the networks of mobile telephony. No network was working.
  3. There was hardly any data provider on the world's mobile phones apparently not to be notified and posted! The channels, but mainly the state-owned taxpayers we have paid, did not show a turn!
    How much internal BOIKOTAZ from the Greek state ???? Drop to all those who give these commands!
    Ert1: The Earth's Salt
    Art2: Artistic skating
    Betfair football match
    Mega: Daddy cat
    Ant: You will find your teacher
    Alpha: A lady in the bouzouki
    Star: Traction
    Skai: 9 months
    At the same time that Thessaloniki sinks with more than 500,000 people in the biggest rally after 1992. For our Macedonia! For our Macedonia one Greek!
    How much more disrespectful public opinion? How GREETING OF GREEK CHANNELS!
    Dying top "journalists"
    MACEDONIA IS GREEK! The people will never be silenced!
    Put the monkeydonia on your side!

Y.K. notification is not a criminal offense.
Share it all to see the state's stink

...and from

Hundreds of thousands of people from throughout Greece and the world are sending a powerful message to their government, as well as the international community, that they will not accept the use of the word “Macedonia” or any derivative of it, for the solution to the 25-year conflict between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).

Marchers converged in Thessaloniki carrying signs and gigantic Greek flags. Images of Alexander the Great were everywhere and speakers, politicians, Greek Orthodox priests and community activists each took their turn at the microphone.

FYROM’s attempts to join NATO and the European Union have been blocked by Greece, which says the name “Macedonia” implies a territorial claim over its own northern region of that name, which includes the city of Thessaloniki.

But the heart of the conflict hits Greeks where they feel it the most– their cultural heritage, which they say is being usurped by a Slavic nation that has adopted a Greek identity by claiming such historical figures as Alexander the Great and the Sun of Vergina, as their own.

After years of stalemate, talks resumed between representatives of the two countries and mediated by United Nations’ diplomat Matthew Nimetz.

Although the official names set forth for negotiation were not released to the public, some newspapers claimed to possess leaked information from negotiations that show a composite form of the name ‘Macedonia’ in the country’s new proposed name.

This has angered many Greeks, including leaders of the Greek Orthodox Church, who have vehemently opposed any use of the word “Macedonia” for the Slavic country.

A poll last week showed that a majority of Greeks do not want “Macedonia” used in any solution, either.

But Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras seems to think otherwise and has hinted towards a compromise, allowing for FYROM to use a composite name, for the sake of national interests, according to an interview in the Greek newspaper To Ethnos.

“It is not unreasonable to have the term ‘Macedonia’ included in a compound name, with either a geographical or a chronological qualifier, for all uses, to make absolutely clear that nobody claims other people’s land or history.”

Tsipras called on those protesting against the composite use of the name “Macedonia” to understand that a non-solution isn’t in Greece’s national interests and that’s exactly where a continued stalemate will lead.

“However, what I urge people to appreciate sensibly is what promotes national interest and what undermines it. Non-solution undermines it. For 25 years, the neighbors have been recognized by the name “Republic of Macedonia” by many countries, and we are fighting everywhere to call them FYROM. In other words, a compound name which includes the term ‘Macedonia’, but without any definition that prevents appropriation of geography and history.”

In Greek, his exact quote was:

«Ωστόσο αυτό που τους καλώ να εκτιμήσουν νηφάλια είναι το τι προάγει το εθνικό συμφέρον και τι το υπονομεύει. Η μη λύση το υπονομεύει. Εδώ και 25 χρόνια οι γείτονες αναγνωρίζονται με το όνομα «Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας» από πολλές χώρες, ενώ εμείς παλεύουμε παντού ώστε να τους αποκαλούν όλοι ΠΓΔΜ. Ονομασία δηλαδή σύνθετη στην οποία περιλαμβάνεται ο όρος ‘Μακεδονία’, χωρίς όμως κανέναν προσδιορισμό που να αποτρέπει οικειοποίηση και της γεωγραφίας και της Ιστορίας. Αν λοιπόν υπάρξει ευκαιρία λύσης που θα αναιρεί αυτά τα αρνητικά δεδομένα που μας φόρτωσαν το 1992, τότε θα είναι εθνική ανοησία να μην την αξιοποιήσουμε».

Dedicated to probably the worst Government Greece ever had...


in every country wome issues cannot solve when the do something secretly and also the some things do without opinion of thier people and this create many missunderstangings and bad behaviour from goverments to people
but how how you say that they 500,000 people in the biggest rally after 1992? i think this is too much digit in a rally now @liondani

Then start counting by your self if you don't believe it!

download (1).jpeg

download (2).jpeg

Oh my God!! really sir @liondani? that could be a million people.

Oh My GOD, really an unbelieable and i really didnot see a biggest rally before this and this shows the power of nations

that is what people power can if just unite for a one gaol.

ΑΗΔΙΑ για άλλη μια φορά κυβερνώντες και δημοσιογράφοι έδειξαν ότι εξυπηρετούν συμφέροντα ξένων.
Ο ξεσηκωμός του λαού είναι το μόνο όπλο αυτή τη στιγμή και προσπαθούν να το υποβαθμίσουν με κάθε τρόπο.

My mother attended yesterday, I was travelling home from Athens (I live in Northern Greece). She told me that it was packed with people and seemed really sad about all this media boycott.
Still, they can try to sabotage people's movements, but us being so angry and disappointed by the governement won't stop at anything.

This could go at my fb page. would you mind?

Of course not! I endorse it.

I appreciate it.
fan fact counting this comment its the second time I refer to media and how they suck.

Edit: please don't upvote this. I don't do it for the money. I do it for the crypto's... /s

wall this is so good i naver new anything like this i just read and watch very good thanks for sharing such an amazing post .. as this is my first time at your blog .. one of people i follow resteem yur post and i opended it i saw many more of your post out there just wann say you have got a follower keep post great contant

@liondani Δυστυχώς το μέλλον είναι ιδιαίτερα αβέβαιο καθώς δεν υπάρχουν αξιόπιστες πολιτικές δυνάμεις στη χώρα πια.

Υπάρχει ο Χριστός που μπορούμε να Του έχουμε απόλυτη εμπιστοσύνη.

Aκόμη κι Εκείνον τον σταυρώσαμε. Μας κυβερνάνε προδότες, υπηρέτες κέντρων σκοτεινών συμφερόντων. Αν ακούσουν για το Χριστό, αφρίζουν.

Well if this is really a mass number of people then it has to be a legitimate cause, most times the government and their political games doesn't help matters, and they hardly even yield to demonstration till it gets bloody

Ελλάς - Μακεδονία ένα και το αυτό!!!

Well, the governments are always trying to hide something. We have seen is so many times now, it's ridiculous... But what's even more ridiculous, is that most people believe the cover ups the governments make and most people believe the media all the time. There's not much honesty left anywhere...

Θλιβερό που εν έτει 2018 λογοκρίνεται και φιμώνεται η φωνή και η βούληση του λαού


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