Body Cam Footage Shows Officer Willing To Lie To Cover Up An Illegal Search

A police officer from Louisiana is currently under investigation, after video footage captured her suggesting that she would doctor her police report so that she didn't get in trouble for conducting an illegal search.

The Baton Rouge officer has been recorded on body camera video admitting that she would allegedly report anything found in a vehicle search she was conducting, as being found in plain view; despite the fact that she allegedly didn't have probable cause to search the vehicle in the first place.

The footage was allegedly leaked to the WBRZ Investigative Unit and the police have suggested that the officer in question is still under investigation. The video shows the officer having this conversation:

"I want to get her out of this truck, and let's search the truck," Officer Robin Ducote's body camera recorded her saying.

Another officer asked her, "Do you have p-c?" (probable cause)

"Yeah, they are both f****** passed out," Ducote responds. "So, if we find something, we say it's in plain view. Who gives a s***, we're writing this report."

This individual who has a badge and uniform, who the video shows to be likely abusing their authority, should be released from their duties permanently.

Why? Because, if they demonstrate on one occasion that they cannot be trusted with the authority that has been afforded to them, then they shouldn't be in that occupation.

Those who are willing to tell lies and violate the law, in an effort to try and supposedly enforce it, are harming their own efforts by bringing their actions and the department they work for into disrepute.

These sorts of individuals are a danger to the public because they put their lives and safety in jeopardy, by refusing to respect their responsibility to adhere to due process.

If a law enforcement officer has been caught telling lies, whether in their reports, on the stand, or on body camera footage etc, the reason that they should lose their job is because they have effectively tarnished their reputation and credibility.

Would you be surprised to hear that this officer has received multiple awards and apparently regarded as a decorated officer in her community? Though, she didn't seem to be serving her community members that day however, when footage showed her allegedly seeking to blatantly violate their rights.

Who wants to bet that it isn't long before she's back on the streets? And what are the chances that this is the first time in her life that she's engaged in this sort of unbecoming behavior? It would bode well for law enforcement agencies around the nation to weed out these sort of individuals from their ranks, and maybe they won't wonder why there are so many problems.

For 2 weeks following the incident, that the officer in question was back and working on the streets; interacting with the public. However, since the story gained traction in the news and the investigation has unfolded, that officer has now been placed on restricted duty. This means that she allegedly won't have any interaction with the public and it isn't certain how long the investigation by internal affairs is going to take.

Elena Scotti via Fusion


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Dirty cops deserve the harshest sentences. Period! These people are far more dangerous than even hard-core criminals.

I hope that with these types of follow-ups corrupt officers will be removed from the forces.
thank you very much dear friend @doitvoluntarily for sharing this information
I wish you a good start

Oops, looks like something inspired another tangent. I'm going to submit it anyway. Indulge.

This sort of thing is commonplace, not by any means an exception.

In certain "task force" teams, such as narcotics, all kinds of trickery and manipulation is applied. You can forget about "fair play"- underhanded tactics are considered part of the job and legal protection for citizens is just a petty nuisance to the war pig.

The police department will take action only to the extent that it pacifies public outcry. When the pressure subsides, it's business as usual.

If you ever end up the subject of a complaint, suspicion or just being at the wrong place at the wrong time- you are dealing with people who are fighting a war brought on by propaganda and ignorant public opinion that is easily swayed. (If you actually take time to look deeply into related matters- then you are wise. Most people are not and everyone is just too busy anyway- right?)The forces behind the illusion are government agencies and the massive money machines known as industry. Food and drug being at or near the center of it all.

You cannot fight a war with a substance- War is an assault on people and more often than not, nobody wants to believe in what is hard to accept, or cares until it affects themselves or someone they genuinely care about .

Well, to be honest, this is about the least surprising thing I've read today. However, it is all a matter of perspective. I've been reading for a number of years and they document this type of shit all of the time. So much so that it is really easy to lose faith in the whole concept of "law enforcement". Hate to be overly cynical but, when a pattern of behavior is visible across the country one has to ask the question..."is there something wrong with the way policing is done in the united states?"

these body cameras are great, cops lie all the time, the bad ones anyhow. Finally they can all be held accountable.

and you'd think that the camera might keep them from engaging in such behavior 😕

thanks for this interesting post ,, for these days we should not believe what we hear and only believe half of what we see.

Hello friend @doitvoluntarily to those officers you have to follow them very seriously and have no compassion for them because they have not had compassion for bad things, you have to give them hard thanks for your information

Yeah this is true people need to know as well that tgey can stand up for their rghts in situations like this

Would it surprise you to hear that this officer has received multiple awards and is apparently considered a decorated officer in his community? However, she did not seem to be serving the members of her community that day, however, when the images showed that she was allegedly seeking to flagrantly violate their rights.

Who would say things like this happen to people we see with thousands of decorations and badges? This case was recorded, how many more cases in the same circumstance or worse will there be?.. in whom to trust our life and safety? I understand that in other countries the police forces work, in my country it is a real shame... human beings often work for the individual good and not for the common good.
Excuse my English, I use a translator.

You have to follow up with these corrupt officials to be eliminated and give them jail for a long time, these people are very dangerous, interesting post thanks @doitvoluntarily

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