Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society and Family Life

in #government5 years ago

bowling-alone-washington-destroy-american-civil-society-family-hero.jpgIn Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community the political scientist, Robert D. Putnam, uses the decline of bowling leagues in the U.S. as a sign for the overall decline in American social life.

Back in the day, bowling was a big deal. Though baseball might be considered America's pastime, the first million dollar sports endorsement didn't go to a ball player, but a bowler. The bowling alley was a meeting place, people would join leagues, socialize with teammates and opponents. Nowadays, people are still bowling they're just doing it outside of leagues. They're bowling alone.

Putnam lays the blame on this diminished social participation on technology, specifically the internet, which has individualized how people spend their free time. However, we feel that there is a solid case to be made that in addition to technology changing the way we live, government policies have also led to the further erosion of civil society.

For example, before social welfare programs there were mutual aid societies, sometimes also known as benefit societies. These groups offered services such as healthcare, unemployment benefits, disability insurance, and other services now provided by big business and the government. What made these societies different from the benefits received today from the government and businesses is that there was a level of accountability to these groups. Firstly, you were often asking people you knew for the aid and not some large bureaucratic organization. Secondly, it wasn't seen as receiving handouts it was seen as receiving support from people you had supported in the past.

To read more about the programs that have led to the decline in American civil society continue reading "Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society and Family Life" at

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