Googlyeyes on a Christmas tree

in #googlyeyes5 years ago (edited)

(The author of the idea is my son. At the tree we worked together. Takes a photograph and translates I, father.)
Last week I was sick. I did not go to school and I was bored at home.
I'd still be playing on PC. But my dad has forced me to do something else. So we did, for example, a small paper Christmas tree. I decorated it with googlyeyes.


Držím Hášovi palce ;-)

Tentokrát šlo o to ho zabavit, ne zvítězit...

Zabavit nevylučuje úspěch v soutěži ;-)

I would destroy every single byte of you.

But my dad has forced me to do something else.

hahaha... yeah, that's how it is, isn't it?! :P

Nice one. Yet another manifestation of a googly tree :D

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