Super Quotes #100 : Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Căci o astfel de dragoste pătimașă, sălbatică, e ca o criză de nebunie, ca un ștreang în jurul gâtului, ca o boală, dar de îndată ce e satisfăcută, vălul de pe ochii omului se destramă și în sufletul lui se naște sentimentul opus: ură și scârbă, dorința de a distruge, de a călca în picioare idolul de până atunci.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


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And before you know it, the object disappears, arguments evaporate; no culprit is discovered, the offense ceases to be an offense and becomes a matter of fate, like the toothache which cannot be blamed on anyone, and the only thing that's left is, once again, to bang the wall as hard as you can.

When you were talking to me here, I couldn’t sit still; when you cried here, when you tormented yourself because you were jilted, because your love was slighted and disregarded, I felt that in my heart there was so much love for you.

You should not have gone murdering people with a hatchet.

man is pre-eminently a creative animal, predestined to strive consciously for an object and to engage in engineering—that is, incessantly and eternally to make new roads, wherever they may lead.

The riff-raff that exists in every society rises to the surface in any time of transition, and is utterly devoid not only of any goal, but even the slightest indication of an idea, and merely gives expression to restlessness and impatience as forcefully as it can.

Meanwhile, the riff-raff, without being aware of it, almost always falls under the sway of that small band of ‘advanced people’ which acts with a definite goal, and which points all this rabble in whatever direction they please, provided that they in turn don’t consist of utter idiots as well, which, however, also happens.

I had the patience to sit like a fool with these people, listening to them for four hours on end, and never daring say a word or knowing what to say.

I would fall into a stupor and break out in perspiration again and again. Paralysis hung over me. But it was good and beneficial.

When I returned home, I would put away my longing to embrace all of humanity for a while. (1up)

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