Gold: Enemy of the State.

in #gold7 years ago (edited)

In this report I talk about how gold and economic freedom are anathema to the State and Statists. I look at Alan Greenspan's 19966 essay Gold and Economic Freedom and I also show how the abandonment of the gold standard has led to the debt bubble and big government.


Yeah Greenspan always knew the merits of Gold and recent comments show he never forgot. It's sad the people have been fooled to think paper currency is superior.

Yes I got the same impression. It is almost like Greenspan is professional and don't carry his own opinions into the job.

Yes just because he had to say things professionally doesn't mean his earlier papers and personal views changed.

Inflation? Deflation? Pish-Posh!

I bought silver at $4.00/oz and I bought at $50.00/oz. I will keep buying!
I bought gold at $300.00/oz and I bought at $2,000/oz. I will keep buying!

Stack On!

Greenspan always looks very awkward to me, like he was matched up with the wrong body or something. He might be from Mars. lol
Married to Andria Mitchell from NBC news.
Not sure if you know Bix Weir he has lots of theories about Alan and the fed.
Always watch your reports @maneco64 Keep fighting the good fight!

If gold is such a threat, then why do governments sell it to their citizens via their treasuries?

That is something I never understood. You can't have something be "underground" or a way to wrest control away if the very thing you are against is profiting from it.

Can anyone explain this to me? It seems to be one of the largest logical flaws in the precious metals narrative.

This is my take, correct me if you think I am wrong. All the CB Gov has printed/borrowed too much, if I bet then my money is on Politicians avoiding the unpopular cut spending and rebuild route but print and hyperinflate to pay debt off with worthless currency. However the designer of the ponzi/wealth transfer is also in it and they want to leave themselves a way out which is PM. I am in Canada and there was a window in late 80s I think that allowed a huge lifetime capital gain tax exempt with a lot of strings attached. Just in time for individuals that profited from the property market boom as a result of easier immigration policy to exit tax free. Who would know before hand and do this?
Regulation that look fair and open to all come with fine print barriers. Little known to everyday Canadian, in 2015 or 2016 the 401k eq. RRSP can buy RCM gold coins. No bank or financial adviser would push this as there is no fees for them. There is no radio tv ad just occasion gold dealer web site mention this fact. So who is this change for and who is using it. I join the dots and come to the conclusion I should follow and get some gold.

Everything with the politicians is "insider trading". Here in the USA, the politicians actually wrote the law that they can question banker and manufacturing CEOs behind closed doors and then buy/sell stock on their answers and not be prosecuted for it. But if you or I get told "Stock X is going to tank" or "Stock Z is going to take off" 5 minutes before the rest of humanity, and we act upon it, we can go to jail.

This is how politicians go to the legislative as ordinary citizens and retire as multi-millionaires years later.

But no politician ever likes limits on their taxing and spending, and therefore hate gold, which is an alternative to the infinite currency machine that politicians use and profit from.

Thanks for the reply. It still doesn't make any sense to me that a banking system that fears gold ownership would allow it to be sold. Unless, of course, the markets were ring-fenced and the popular belief in gold used to funnel funds back into the Treasury itself.

I'm not against gold at all, I just can't reconcile why governments would allow its sale if it were at all effective.

This is my speculation. If there is a black market for illegal drugs then there will be one if gold is banned. Look at India, adding extra tax just increased gold buying, there is already a booming smuggling industry to go around import tax. Government banning gold is going to be telltale sign that gold has value and create a huge black market. Now gold is available and price is beaten down with paper market to make people think it is not a good investment. Assuming this is an intended distraction it is working very well, most people I talk to including my own relatives with MBA and working / worked in finance industry don't think gold is good investment.

Constitutionally the U.S. Treasury is supposed to, via the U.S. Mint, mint gold and silver coins. The government , the Federal Reserve and Wall Street though definitely do not push or encourage the public to buy gold and silver.

You've established why they sell it in the U.S., but not why other governments do so elsewhere.

The original question stands, if it is such a threat, why would they tolerate it?

@talltim There is a big difference between putting a country's currency on a gold standard and running a mint. Just because some governments mint gold and silver coins does not mean they are in favour of sound weights and measures.

Yes, I agree. I'm just wondering why they bother with selling gold in the first place. Its okay, I am not trying to be bothersome. I honestly don't understand it.

I heard it cost around 3 cents to print a $100.00 bill?

I know you my friend, and you are awesome, i know that. !! @ronaldmcatee

Enjoyed this video. I really believe the inflated debt is one of the pieces of the house of cards. Government knows if they raise interest rates too high then all the people who have a yoke of credit card debt around their neck will default. This will be the beginning of deflation even if we hit hyper-inflation first to try and bail us out of the problem.

I love gold and silver, but they're too valuable to circulate...
Think Common Coinage or as I like to call it... Pocket Change...
A Gold and Silver Medium of Exchange is not possible any more...
In listening to your Video, you're going to love my posts...
I'm a little curious if you're familiar with my Pocket Change Theory...???

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