Dinner from Our Food Forest - Rosemary and Potatoes

in #gardening6 years ago


Why spend the time and energy to grow a food forest you ask? Because you can harvest home grown organic potatoes full of nutrients and grown with love without man made chemicals right from your own garden. You know exactly what you are putting into your body. You are responsible for your own health and well being. This is the reward for your hard work.

Dinner will be ready in 30!


mmmmmmmm!!!!!! that's my kind of dinner!!!! one of my faves...those two! great image!!!! thank you for helping me plan out my own dinner tonight lol~ cheers! :)

When I see potatoes and rosemary, I think of delicious dinner. But I shared this photo with a friend the other day and he asked me if I was making vodka. What?! Potato vodka... I didn't even know that was possible.

COmpletely agree with you. I am happy to see that you are back :)

Thank you! I am glad to be back :-)

I need this in my life. I hate cities.

I hear you and I am sorry. Totally understand. I used to live in a city

How did you find the perfect place to move away from the city?

To tell you the truth, when we moved to this spot, we did not have growing a food forest in mind. I did not know how to grow anything until six years ago when I started to get interested in growing food and wanting to know what I put into my own body. I live in a small town without good grocery stores. Growing some of my own food was essential.

Funny thing, I live in a really big city and it's hard to get good organic food. You live in a dream place.

Right now I'm exactly at this point:

wanting to know what I put into my own body.

I do some vertical farming at home, but is not enough, I'm thinking in a 360 degree change in my life. I hope that in a year I will be finding "the spot" to move.

I hear you. I know too many people who are battling cancer or health issues right now. We don't really find out how bad the chemicals used to grow our food are until people realize they are getting sick from those chemicals.

The first step is to have the desire to grow your own food. You are already there. Take it slow and not overwhelm yourself. At first, it's a lot of reading and learning from others. Later you will be doing your own experiments. You will get there. Record your every step because I truly enjoy looking back and seeing all the progress we have made. It encourages me to keep going. Good luck and if I am able to help in any way, don't hesitate to ask.

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