
Carrots! Carrots! And more carrots! You're gonna have the bestest carrots, I know it!

Which reminds me. We've got that same pack of carrot seed tape. We are well into summer temps now, tho. 85-90 degree weather. Our lettuce is already bolting! Oh well. Guess that's seeds for next year.

I don't remember how well carrots germinate in the heat, but I think that as long as the seeds stay moist, they should do ok. I can't get parsnips to germinate at all if I plant them too late, it's like they need cool weather to germinate. Parsnips don't seem to like growing for me, except under my plum trees in the partial shade. I read somewhere on the internet that parsnips are a good companion plant for fruit trees because they lure away the bad bugs and they attract certain predator bugs. If you don't mess with them much, they reseed themselves every year, and they get ginormous...

I miss having a garden! I moved south years ago and the soil is just terrible here and I haven't exactly had the time either to give a garden the attention it deserves. Until I can have one of my own again, I shall just enjoy photos of other peoples gardens :)
Seed tape is an amazing creation. Have tons of fun!

You could check around and see if there are any community gardens close to you, If there are, you could possibly get a plot in one to garden in.

That's a really good idea! I hadn't thought of that. I'll have to do some research

I feel tempted to make one because I have a terrace but no land. So far we took away the weeds that were smothering my few pots (including my baby oak tree who is not doing well) and we ended up with a few empty pots, so we are buying sone soil and seeds at least to have herbs like basil or mint. One day I will have my wee orchard.

Dwarf trees are good for a small space for an orchard.

Awesommmeeee I need to get my carrots in, I'm late this year! First year gardening with steemit haha. Carrots seem to grow well here so I'm planting A LOT. We eat them more than any other veg too. Maybe I'll get my butt in gear tomorrow... Thank you for maybe motivating me haha

Yeah, now is the time to get the carrots in, at least here. Get out there and plant something! :-)

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