Dark Souls 3: The Deadly Addicts

in #gaming6 years ago


For those of you who had tasted the previous Souls series from From Software, then you can predict that the story approach they offer in this third series also will not be much different. There is no explicit story line that will tell you what is really going on and the significance of each character that appears there. All the threads of the story must be drawn from the knowledge not only of the two previous series, but also a series of descriptions of items and equipment scattered throughout the journey.

Still struggling with the era of darkness and the presence of fire as the main story rendering, you will now play a hero called "Ashen One" prompted by a mysterious woman named Fire Keeper to revive The Lords of Cinder - five kings related to first fire. They are Aldritch, Yhorm, Abyss Watchers, Holy King Lohtric, and Ludleth the Exiled. By uniting them, the Ashen One will connect with one of the entities believed to have been in contact with the first fire.

You are confused with the above plot? Admittedly, we too. As one gamer who did not complete the first and second series, the best way to follow a little background story Dark Souls is to follow the video with lore content scattered in cyberspace. The good news? Whether you end up understanding or completely unfamiliar with the story line in the previous series or series, Dark Souls 3 is still an easy game to enjoy. The power of the story is set in a format so implicit that it will not bother you who just came to just enjoy the gameplay or the level of difficulty that exists.

So, a challenge like what should be conquered by Ashen One this? What kind of boss should he bow to bring back light to the world? You must of course play this one game to get the answer. Although we are sure, you will eventually have to wait for more lore explanations in the future to capture the essence of the timeline you want to carry.

Once you get into Dark Souls 3, you will fall in love with the world that he offers. We not only talk about a series of details or effects of light that of course can be implemented more perfectly thanks to the switchover to the current generation platform that have extra better performance. We are talking about the overall design. That Dark Souls 3 is not just an action RPG game that gives you the freedom to shape your own character, but also chooses your own path.

That on the basis of the concept, there is little gap to give a little label "Open-world" to this one game. You do have a definitive line with a series of bosses to complete in order to achieve the progress of the story, but Dark Souls 3 will not offer you any clue to where your next move will be. What does he offer? A world that offers so many road branches that each can culminate in another adventure. One can lead to a new boss, the other can take you on the fastest return road to the previous safe place, the other can end up being a "warehouse" of items and equipment that are too tempting to pass up. Designs like this make the Dark Souls 3 exploration ends up so something that feels very much worth it.

This expansive world is perfect through a variety of atmospheric and environmental designs that also deserve a thumbs up. You'll meet a city full of light, a swamp with a giant crab, a dark forest with a giant worm at the entrance, to a castle roof filled with traps and steep angles that can kill instantly. Absolutely nothing feels repetitive about setting Dark Souls 3 and it reinforces the existing experience. Each progress you make will be greeted with a setting that is not only new, but also the enemy variants that live in it. A simple concept but increasingly perfect Dark Souls 3 itself.

The combination of not only better visual quality, but also the incredible design of the world layout and not monotonous make the world of Dark Souls 3 not only ends beautifully but also acts as an open invitation for you to explore it. The unending explorations that at every corner often end up paying off nicely.

Death As Opium

Dark Souls 3 is an RPG action game. So like the previous series, the fight action runs in real-time like an action game but reinforced with a thick element of RPG in it. One that is certain, as you would expect, it is not an easy game to subdue. Dark Souls 3 difficulty level will be ready to kill you in every corner, even from an enemy that looks so weak and stupid though. There is no chance for relaxation and weakness, only extra vigilance when faced with every enemy. Learn about enemy timing, counter attack at the right moment, and start implementing strategies when dealing with larger quantities. This is where the true charm of Dark Souls 3.

If death in another game can produce its own frustration, in Dark Souls it actually ended up being opium. The words "You Died" that will appear hundreds of times before you can finish it never end, but a beginning of progress. That there is a handful of knowledge, no matter how small you achieve every time you die to help your next move. You may learn a bit about animated enemy motion that kills you, or learn about the secret spawn points of the enemies that managed to ambush you from behind, or just know that the point you killed has never been a safe place to jump. The more you die, the more you know about Dark Souls, the closer you are to the end of the story. Such motivation can be injected Dark Souls 3.

Why death in Dark Souls 3 feels like an opiate? Because From Software handles it as a challenge that is very likely to be solved. That death is not due to the design flaw of the boss or the enemy you face but rather because of your negligence as a player. Here, Dark Souls 3 shines. That's different from other RPG action games that might associate difficult words with "Thicker, Deadlier" enemies, almost all enemies in Dark Souls 3 including bosses you have to deal with, are in equally vulnerable status to you. Some of your punches can generate the same significant damage amount as they can do to you. Dark Souls 3 is a game that can be called fair. It's not a game that asks you to hit a tank until it's crushed with a wood charcoal.

The game system itself is not much different from the other Souls series. Every enemy you subdue will drop Souls that can be used to strengthen your character through the Fire Keeper that works no different from Doll in Bloodborne. For each level increment you trigger, you can distribute one skill points for each attribute each of which has a clear contribution on strengthening what kind of character you get. Distributing point on Vigor gives extra HP, Endurance for extra Stamina, Faith for magic, or Dex for extra weapon damage and resilience to various status effects. There is almost absolute freedom to build a character that can facilitate what you need.

The freedom to build character is one of the main selling points of Dark Souls 3. Strengthened with so many sets of equipment, items, accessories that each have not only the shape but also the unique status, you are also given a super solid foundation to create a character that according to you can facilitate the style of the game. The character class you chose at the beginning will not trap you in one particular game style. You can build any character you want. You want a character that is more focused on Magic or which in this series is known as Miracles? Or like our more relentless Mercenary character and stamina to continue rolling constantly with no magic ability at all? Or do you prefer a heavyweight character with a shield that relies on timing parry for extra damage? You are given almost absolute freedom to combine almost all of these attributes.

From a game that simply offers enemies and bosses in the ever-threatening battle cycle, Dark Souls 3 becomes something more diverse through the freedom of building this character. Interesting again? It also makes it have a much higher value replayability than you could ever imagine. You who have completed the first playthrough with a Knight who rely on the physical will have different game experiences and challenges with characters focused on the magic / miracles function in the second playthrough, for example. With so many experiments that can be done, you who have extra commitment for it can continue to play this game without interruption, especially with the increasing difficulty level for each completion of the playthrough. So death is an addiction that can even lead to more harm than previously predicted.

But apart from all your characters, the core game of Dark Souls 3 will still center on patience and effort to learn animated enemy movements, timings, and loopholes to counterattack. The bigger and slower enemies are easier targets than similar-sized enemies, but have fast moves and a series of different weapons. If you fail to learn it or find the required gap, then any trivial, enemy movement can end with "You Died" on the screen. Dark Souls 3 is actually a game that has a super simple mission but not easy to do. What is that? Do not be punctured, do not slice, do not get caught, do not spray fire, do not get sprayed out, do not fall, and do not let your face confront the existing combination attacks. Simple is not it? Very simple. The execution? That's another problem.

So it can be concluded, Dark Souls 3 is a faithful Souls series with successful selling points that make millions of gamers worldwide addicted in the two previous series, perfecting them through more flexible animations and a more engaging world. But the remaining elements are still enough to offer a level of difficulty enough to drain your patience.

Tak hanya dari sifat boss dan karakteristik unik yang ditawarkan tiap pertarungan boss yang sama sekali tak meninggalkan kesan monoton yang membuat Dark Souls 3 istimewa. From Software juga pantas mendapatkan acungan jempol untuk desain visual salah satu boss terbaik yang pernah kami temui di game action RPG manapun. Datang dari beragam ukuran, Anda akan berhadapan dengan banyak makhluk dan monster di sini. Dari sebuah pohon raksasa menyeramkan yang tak bisa Anda lihat ujung kepalanya, seorang ksatria dengan dual pedang bewarna, seorang pangeran lumpuh yang bisa melakukan teleport secara instan untuk menyerang, hingga seorang penguasa petir yang menyerang Anda dengan naga tunggangannya. Desain yang cukup untuk membuat Anda terkagum-kagum untuk waktu yang lama sembari berusaha untuk menundukkan mereka.

Charming Boss Design

especially from my own review, of course know that we rarely speak or provide a point in itself for a boss fight. Why? Because most of the games released today usually end up with a boss that feels so "superficial" and monotonous, or even has no boss at all. Even for the JRPG / RPG game class though, the boss usually ends up being a more enemy tanky variant with massive damage that needs more bullets or a sword incision to kill. But for Dark Souls 3, there's only one word to explain the overall structure of the boss he's stretcher - genius! That there is courage to get out of this grip and redefine the word "challenge" in something far more creative than we imagine. You will meet many variants of boss battles that not only offer enough design to make your mouth gaping awe, but also with extra new challenges that take time to learn and master again.

In the early half of the game, you may feel that Dark Souls 3 is not as difficult as you think. Because there will be no point game that will force you to repeat many boss bouts repeatedly. Some early bosses felt so weak with easy-to-read animated attacks and health conditions that are far more fragile to finish off just like that. But everything changes when you finish the Abyss Watcher. The second half will contain an escalation of difficulty levels that are quite uphill and exhaust the extra energy to complete. How significant? Significant enough to make us have to struggle with the same boss no more than 3 hours, die, run to fog, fight, die, live back in bonfire, run to fog, never fight, die again, and so on.

But the combination and variations like this that makes Dark Souls 3 win our hearts from the side of the boss fight. He is not just about a challenge that needs eye coordination and your hands work well and extra timing in it. There are some bosses that are more about testing patience, while other bosses rely more on your observations about what to do. This variation is what we are talking about in Dark Souls 3. That Boss does not always culminate in attempts to incarnate weapon damage and sometimes end up making your brain a much more reliable weapon. Almost can be spelled out, all the bosses in Dark Souls 3 tipped into something unpredictable. Some may make you frustrated but not the least that will surprise you through the uniqueness of the battle sensation that he offers. You will meet them from a variety of sizes, each of which will usually require specific strategies to be resolved.

But unfortunately, especially because of the size problem, variations like this leave a special problem when you start using a lock-on camera to lock your attention to what every boss is doing. The camera is completely unreliable when we start talking about an enemy that has a gigantic size because the key system that makes the camera motion of its limited FOV becomes even more awkward. Instead of something that can be relied upon, a camera like this can actually be its own losses because you just ended up not being able to see animated boss attacks that exist. Boss who have extra fast thrust attacks that make them can move quickly to other areas is also no less annoying. We had several times met the lock-on camera case that just disappeared because of the movement of the boss is too fast, making them turned our back on us. Worse yet? When you try to lock them back quickly, your command is not executed properly. Instead of bringing back the lock-on, the camera actually returns to your main viewpoint. An extra frustration for a game that is actually enough to make you give up.

Multiplayer = Frustration Sense Solution

What happens if you already bought this Dark Souls 3 and enjoyed every moment, but faced with a wall of difficulty level for some reason never "allowed" you to pass easily? It's so hard, how many experiments you do, always ending up with one or two inevitable mistakes that make you have to go all the way back. Conditions that rope in mines and high ceilings with stakeholds near the entrance of the home are a combination of tempting solutions. All to end this suffering. Fortunately? Like the previous Souls series, the solution is actually super simple. Put aside a little self-esteem and start asking for help from the more skilled ones.

We are not talking about tips and tricks that may not be effective in this scenario. But actually calling other player characters to get into your world and help you finish off any boss that has taken your time for hours or even days. The good news? Multiplayer mode is really very easy to access. If you want another player to join your world, then all you have to do is use an item called "Bucket". Once active, you will immediately see the Summon Sign which is usually spread near a campfire or boss entrance. If instead, you want to be kind enough to help others against their boss, you can use soapstone to put a summon sign to be called by another player. For this second scenario, you will get extra rewards souls and buckets if successful help them.

This frustration is also what we personally feel. After almost completing all bosses and optional bosses by ourselves through many trial and error processes, we finally arrived at the hardest point - the last two bosses for Dark Souls 3. One relates to the story that will immediately end the game and the other is the optional boss - Nameless King who is staying as the most difficult boss in this game. So the second name is what is our biggest challenge. We tried to kill him for the last 2 days to "sweeten" this review process but it never worked. Nameless King's second phase has a pretty awkward rhythm for our characters who rely on the rolling process. With minimal health, just one small mistake then we have to start everything back from the beginning. For two days, with a brain that almost asked to stop functioning, we never won against Nameless King.

In the midst of frustration, the next step is to take off the cloak of self-esteem and shout for help. Incorporated in the forum Facebook Souls & Bloodborne Indonesia, shouts for our help at 2 am before this review was written finally responded by three players Dark Souls 3 Indonesia, one of which has even won Platinum. There is no better opportunity to get them to join our world and help us eliminate Nameless King. Because at this point, the thought of ropes and piles reappears and haunts. Shoutout for the three players: animaxultima (Loiza / Agi), Ghost (pwpw17 / Phiaw), and Domon666 (Devon) who succeeded in shortening this three-day struggle by about 2-3 times just try it. The process of setting a simple password allows you to create a session like this private without disturbing other players with netcode is also not much trouble.

You can always call two players in a Bucket condition like this to help you overcome the various obstacles that exist. If you're not optimistic enough, you also have the freedom to use a separate item called "Dried Fingers" that works like a roulette table to call a third character into your game area. Why? Because unlike the previous Bucket that always calls the two protagonist characters, a public session with Dried Fingers has the potential to call other players present with a bad intention - finish you as fast as they can. The Mad Phantom that serves as an opponent is so extra attraction for a PvP format Dark Souls 3 which is one of the attractions that can not be ignored just like that.

Starting the process of helping other players who may struggle to beat the same boss this morning is also increasingly reinforcing our positive outlook on this DarK Souls 3 multiplayer mode. You can have fun with extra PvP, but also help other players in a cooperative format to ensure their frustration does not continue with tech support and user-interface that is easy to master anyway.

Implicit Side-Quest Design

After struggling for more than 50 hours, we finally proudly announce that we successfully completed Dark Souls 3. A personal achievement after the failure and despair that made us never complete the Souls - Demon and Dark Souls series - before. But will he end up with a sense of satisfaction? Unfortunately, only a small portion of the sensation arises. Because after looking back walkthrough spread in cyberspace, Dark Souls 3 turned out to have a myriad of secrets and side quests that are easily missed if you do not pay extra attention to make observations at every possible point. Compared to our first game session, we missed so many things.

This is what makes the level of replayability of Dark Souls 3 even much higher than just a chance to try out different character styles in the next playthrough. NG + or NG ++ or NG +++ and so on can also be seen as an opportunity to explore the range of side quests of Dark Souls 3 which are all present in a very implicit form. Remember, this is not an RPG action game in general, so you will not meet the obvious direction of what side of the quest is going on, which has not happened yet, or has happened. It all relies on your observations or perhaps, the extra walkthrough you find in cyberspace.

So, what makes this super implicit side quest-side quest a worthwhile thing to try? First, of course rewards. Not a few side-quests that will offer you items or weapons that you can not possibly find in just a regular playthrough. Uniquely with a side-quest system in Dark Souls 3? There is never a clear indicator of what you should do or get to the point where it can still be taken. Because we were curious about one of the side-quests via information on the internet, back to the point it should be, and ended up not finding the character that should be the trigger side-quest was no longer there. It turns out there is a clear boundary that if you've touched a certain point, you can say goodbye to this side-quest.

Second, is the ending. As you can predict, Dark Souls 3 also comes with a variety of alternative endings which one of them requires you to engage in side quests that need coherent triggers are quite complex in it. So if you're a gamer who needs to finish all the games perfectly one way, make sure you do not miss a series of side-quests in this game like the mistakes that happened to us.

Epic Music!

What is a fight against giant monsters or kings of skulls that can kill you instantly if you can not capture the epic atmosphere from it. The combination of setting, atmosphere, boss design is fascinating with the visuals and variations of this unique attack, all the more refined with enough music choices to make your hair goose bumps. The bell's whistle and the melodious sounds of choir that keeps listening to you high notes and mysterious Latin makes things much more sinister and tense.

Just look at what they did with OST Abyss Watchers, for example. The sounding choir in the beginning seemed to reinforce the fighting atmosphere against the swordsman who was flooded with so many dead bodies around him. Or when you meet Yhorm the Giant, who as the name suggests, it does have a size that seems capable enough to kill you by just sneezing. Choir dominated by a male voice with a rising tone will make you feel dealing with the gate of death itself. Almost all the music offered in the battle of Dark Souls 3 will make your breath hunt tense.


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