Nintendo Mini SNES Classic Edition Rumors Spark Super Supply Chain Skepticism

in #gaming7 years ago

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While Nintendo is yet to confirm the rumor that there will be a mini SNES Classic Edition, there is plenty of speculation that this is the reason Nintendo discontinued the NES Classic Edition. Apparently Nintendo has limited production space for both machines, or Nintendo is just pulling the our nostalgia strings and focusing on Switch production. Either way, the question remains — will there be enough to go around? The NES Classic turned out to be more of an intentional collectors item rather than a video game system, with supply never getting close to demand. Most people gave up trying to get one before the holidays and patiently waited for Nintendo to ramp up production. Then the Switch was ...

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Nintendo were never shy about letting people know, up front, that the NES Classic Mini was never to be a permanent fixture in their gaming strategy. It was clear from the beginning this would be limited, just no one knew how "limited".

We see these products (NES mini, SNES mini and perhaps N65 mini?) as a strategic move to re-introduce their brand to younger generation.

Well, they just announced it with the list of confirmed games. Feel free to check out ultimate guide on how to secure yourself a SNES Classic, good luck~

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