[REVIEW] Power Rangers Wars Legacy

in #gaming7 years ago


Best wishes for all of us. Hopefully today we can all be better.

Hi everyone, I comes back with the game interesting discussion to be discussed. I thank all my friends who already follow and upvote me in @odone. Thanks also to my family who kept supporting me during this time, may we all continue to strive to get better, still working on it's steem.

Thank God and how are you all. Still with me to the game that would attract discussion. This time I will discuss about the game in his character is the hero of the movie childhood when we used to be. I am sure all my friends would know with these characters. They've become an idol for us who feel their toughness to fight in his movie. It could be said this time I will bring back nostalgic childhood us first. I mean the character of the Power Rangers, to be sure we all know how great they are used. For this time I will discuss a game that became the main character is the Power Rangers. I mean the game Power Rangers Wars Legacy.


In general, mobile game inspired by the movie was present mediocre and the quality is also mediocre. But Power Rangers: Legacy Wars broke the oblique statement and managed to amaze us of all aspects of a given game.

For the plot, Power Rangers: Legacy Wars take time and story line after the Power Rangers beat Rita Repulsa and sends it back into space. And it turns out, it was not lost Rita Repulsa, because in the end he managed to get back to Angel Grove and infect Morphin Grid. And Rita Repulsa plan to create a clone of the Power Rangers are programmed to become his men have been successful.

And finally the fight was inevitable. Rangers against Rangers. But unfortunately, no Zord here. So, we will not find battle using giant robots as high as 30-storey building, which we usually see in his films. Even so, the graphical display of this game is pretty good and can spoil our eyes, because the color given inconspicuous.


This game uses a system of rock, paper and scissors as the main element is the touching elements. By using Strike fast motion can beat Breaker movement which can be quite a long time to be issued, while Breaker movement can defeat the characters are using the Defense, and the Defense itself is used to hold Strike attack. The third movement has a way of different movements and uses active frame that is when the attack was launched which must also be different, so we have to be careful in preparing the attacks that will be used.

Every team that we use in the fight using three Rangers. One Ranger who becomes the leader and two Ranger again will serve as an assist. With the function to help attack the leader of the main character when the game goes on.

There are several features in this game. Features in question is a menu that can be used that are useful to help us in using this game application. Features contained in this application is the team, feature warrior, morph boxes, crystal power, power coins, offer special leader board, achievement and alliance. Which of course is very much a selection of features provided by this game.

For about a given game graphic is very nice, to be able to know and feel the quality of this game, can check directly about the graphic quality action games to download for free in the play store. Graphic granted Wars Legacy Power Rangers is not inferior to other HD graphics in the game, you could say this game the graphics are pretty good discount for the games that have been circulating today.


We will be amazed by the visual effects of the game, we can get a nice visual effect when we do the battles. Given game animation is also great, we can enjoy the animation that is soft and clear, because this game already have a graphic that is equivalent to console games in general. So, we want to get quality graphics, we can say we should have a good smartphone that supports the specification as well and to enjoy the best quality that is in this game.

In this game also provides a real fight. We will have battles with other players that exist throughout the world. Which of course we have to use the internet connection to be able to play it. It will be an interesting experience and new sensations for us.

In this game we can create their own team or we can arrange a team that we have in accordance with our Desire, we can use the most powerful character so that we can get a perfect strategy. If we want to always get the victory in every battle, we have to organize the team that we have as effective as possible in order to make our team unbeaten.


Wars Legacy Power Rangers are the games that support we could join the alliance or association that we want or so-called Guild, in the Guild we can talk among the other players in Guild. Not until there are, we can also make trades Tactics against fellow members in the Guild. In Power Rangers Wars Legacy we can also see the replay fight we've ever played.

The conclusion on this game is This game is a good game for game enthusiasts who genre RPG action character. And this game is the theme of the Power Rangers, and that certainly the characters in the game is already quite familiar. And in terms of detail, this game already has enough Power Rangers characters we already know in advance.

Well, so much of my discussion of the game Power Rangers Wars Legacy. May be useful for game lovers here. Continue to follow and upvote me in @odone if you liked my post. And good luck.

Thank You



power ranger superhero is my best heroes

yes me too

"ay ya ya ya yay" Alpha like this post

Heheheh, thanks bro

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