Your Average "Looking Back At My Posts"-Post on Steemit

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

"It is never too late to do better, and become more than what you are."

-Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age: Inquisition)

In my first days on Steemit I thought you HAVE TO be so formal in making your contents, that make me nervous because it's so hard for me to write everything I have in my mind into an article. Turns out you could write in a more easy manner of speaking, which is nice.

If you read my posts, you'll find little to no negativity about video games from my posts while there are countless of flaws we could find in games. It's because I'm trying to see the good thing behind those flaws, so people can write about the games' bad side but for me, I'll highlight the good side of games.

Formal or not, I was ready myself to make good articles as it was my first time on blogging. But I keep thinking about the good thing, to write about stuff that I love, which is video game. But I still regret that I picked such a generic username, though.

I like saving quotes I see in video games/anime/movies and when I was about to make a post about "Best Video Games Quotes" something like that, I didn't make it because I thought it won't be that good of a post, or at least I can't make it good. 

So I decided to just put it in the beginning of most of my posts. Preferably the quotes are the ones from the related game I write about, but if I can't find any, then I'll use quotes (from any games) that sounds relatable to what the post is about. And if there's no perfect quotes to be found, then any quotes is okay. Just for fun so why not. And it has nothing to do with the image above it.

I tried to make a post series, posts with the same topic but different subjects that I could write continually. The first one was that "Who's the Best [Name game character's class/specialization]". I stopped after the second post; "Who's the Best Stealthy Assassin?", because I thought it wasn't good, or I simply wasn't creative enough. 

And now I have the "Get to Know" series, which is a series of posts about video games' quick lore that I try to write as short as possible. I made only one, though. Hopefully, it won't fail again. The title itself is a reference to The Sims games; the "Get to know" option. It's self-explanatory so you know what it do. 

There's also the "#Gaming Posts of the Week - [Say something relatable]", which is a supportive post I make twice a week. Here, I picked the 8 best posts with #gaming tag in them, but I have the rule for myself. There are so many great (gaming) posts on Steemit and it would be difficult to choose only 8, so how I decide which posts I'll mention is preferably those that don't get many views and upvotes, the underrated ones. But if there's little or no underrated posts (which is good for you, Steemians), then the ones with many views and earnings are okay too. I really hope this could help in some small way, because I'm not among the 'famous' authors on Steemit so there's not many senpais that notice it.

Fun fact: Their pose is different in each post.

The quotes in "#Gaming Posts of the Week" are not entirely the real quotes from Lutece Twins. That's the trickiest part of that post series. I have to think very hard to make quotes that "sounds like Lutece Twins", I force myself like that as one of my method to learn and get better at writing. 

You know how Lutece Twins talk to each other, finishing each other's sentences in an amusing yet intelligent manner of speaking. Maybe they sound normal to you, but for me, because of my low writing skill, the way they talk, their language, sounds like what I would call "expert". 

But sometimes I don't put any quotes when I truly truly can't think of a great "sounds like Lutece"-conversation. I'd rather leave it blank instead of write something stupid, because Lutece Twins are amazing characters (they won an award in 2013, you know) and I don't want to ruin it.

Playing games was hard for me because my PC 'had a condition'. I have to be very careful even only to play light weighted games like Stardew Valley as it constantly shut down without warning, and it gets more laggy after every shut down. Delightful.

There's one time it got me so mad I run Fallout 4, expecting it would explode. It didn't. I waited for it to shut down and die, while awkwardly staring at the main character at the character creation stage for about 15 minutes and my PC was still on. Just when I thought the problem was gone, it made me happy (yet still doubt, of course) and started to customize my Sole Survivor, it was shut down. I was mad yet so proud of my PC for successfully pulling a prank on me like that.

Thanks to the septims I earned from Steemit, I fixed my PC and now I can play games like normal again, it makes writing on Steemit more fun for me as I can write what I just played, the "My Gaming Time" series. Eventhough it's difficult for me to write everything nicely, and properly. Even so, if I'm to choose my favourite posts that I made, it would be Life Lessons From Video Games, Get to Know Solas: Between Good And Evil, More Open World Games. Yay or Nay? Don't know why exactly. I just like them. 4 Great Games From 1997, I wrote it on my birthday. And Become A Witcher In This Real Life Witcher School!, because... come one, it's a goddamn real life witcher school!

I relied on

code for the divider since the first time I started writing here, but after Steemit's UI update the divider is almost invisible, so I decided to make my own with art deco style. And yes, it's BioShock-inspired. 

For someone who is having difficulty in writing article, it's surprising how I managed to write this long, and keep writing for six months now. I don't know what else I would add beside the current design and post series. I'm a very slow learner but I'll do my best to improve my writing, I won't quit just because it's difficult. 

Anyway, thanks for your time to read my posts, Steemians. I really appreciate it. Happy new year and Steem on!

For more gaming stuff..
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Previous Posts:
One More Game That We'll Never Play - Ubisoft's Zelda: Wind Waker
The Ups And Downs of Gaming In 2017
My Gaming Time: Starbound - That Gurren Lagann Mech Is All I Need
Risk of Rain Sequel Is Under Development in 3D, Will It Work?

Images sources: 2, 5, 6,


Well put I like the way you think. You should be proud of yourself. The hard work your putting in definitely shows!

Thank you very much! But looking at the other writers' contents quality, I think I still have a long way to go until I can be proud of myself..

very interesting words to read it

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