in #gaming7 years ago

Hi stemians, glad to meet you again.
Thank you for waiting for my last article on the 20 Most Popular Heroes from The Greatest Game in the World "Dota 2", hope you'll enjoy reading this review as I did. :D

REVIEW DOTA 2 - VOL #6.jpg

Let's read this last part to the end.




Chaos Knight is a melee strength hero with one of the highest physical damage output ceilings of all heroes. he's by and large performed as a carry and ganker. As his name implies, he has a subject matter based totally on randomness and uncertainty. His ordinary assault has a very extensive thirty harm unfold, making his final hitting ability really unreliable.

Chaos Bolt is his maximum notorious luck-based ability which, at max level, can stun a target everywhere between a mediocre 2 seconds to an effective 4 seconds with a view to nearly surely guarantee the target's loss of life; it'll also deal a variable quantity of damage starting from minuscule to moderate.

Reality Rift pulls Chaos Knight and his target to a randomly selected factor alongside the line among the 2 and decreases the foe's armor. Chaos Strike is a crit based ability with one of the lowest proc chances, but additionally one of the maximum multipliers.

The illusions produced by his ultimate Phantasm, as much as four at max level, keep his complete attack damage, gain from his Chaos Strike and can teleport alongside him to attack the target each time he uses Reality Rift. This allows Chaos Knight's physical damage to be elevated by using up to 5 at some stage in teamfights later in the game, and it isn't uncommon to see enemy heroes being killed right away after being Reality Rifted with the aid of the apocalyptic horsemen. accordingly,

Chaos Knight is played as a carry who excels in both the mid and late game, if the game drags on long enough and he is able to acquire enough strength-based and survivability items to ensure that his illusions can stay alive, he may be capable of overpower maximum tough contains and potentially wipe out a whole crew by using himself.

⋆⋆⋆ Chaos Knight Abilities ⋆⋆⋆

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Chaos Bolt : Throws a mysterious bolt of energy at the target unit. It stuns for a random duration and deals random damage.

Reality Rift : Teleports you, any images you have and the target unit to a random point along the line between the two of you. Reduces the target's armor for 8 seconds.

Chaos Strike : Each of Chaos Knight's attacks has a chance to deal bonus damage, also causing the critical strike to lifesteal for 75% of the damage.

Phantasm : Summons several phantasmal copies of the Chaos Knight from alternate dimensions. There is a 50% chance an extra phantasm will be summoned. The phantasms deal 100% damage, but take 260% damage.




Famous as a balanced hard supporter, Crystal Maiden has a strong nukes that allow it to apply a strong thrust to the enemy. Crystal Nova is a powerful field nuke that slows down the attack and speed of enemy movement in an area for a few seconds, while Frostbite wraps the enemy in ice blocks for a few seconds, paralyzes it and handles it.

Combining these two capabilities together with their own spell couples quite often brings enemy heroes to their knees. Her Arcane Aura passive will also regenerate mana for Rylai and her allies, greatly enhancing their ability to cast spells in the early game. Although his strong early presence can be offset by his extreme weakness and poor mobility, he can still inflict massive amounts of damage in team games later if he is able to transmit his deadly final title, Freezing Field.

Her global mana aura, strong disabling and nuking prowess, with a simple spell layout, and an almost complete shortage of items make Crystal Maiden a reliable supporter caster that can be a powerful asset to any team, and wise use of the latter allows it to throw garbage for his enemies when used properly. With the protection of his team and the selection of the right item, he can be the only support the team needs.

⋆⋆⋆ Crystal Maiden Abilities ⋆⋆⋆

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Crystal Nova : A burst of damaging frost slows enemy movement and attack rate in the targeted area.

Frostbite : Encases an enemy unit in ice, prohibiting movement and attack, while dealing 50 damage every half-second. Lasts 10 seconds on creeps level 6 or lower.

Arcane Aura : Gives additional mana regeneration to all friendly units on the map. This bonus is increased for Crystal Maiden.

Freezing Field : Surrounds Crystal Maiden with random icy explosions that slow enemies and deal massive damage. Lasts 10 seconds.


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The Darkish Seer is a melee intelligence hero with versatile abilities that permit him to assist allies and greatly change the conditions of combat. His Vacuum especially influences enemies in a large area and is a effective crowd control. It not most effective disorients and damages enemies, however also pushes them into a small place to follow up with location spells or to cause other competencies, which include his Wall of Replica ultimate that turns the very energy of enemies towards them in the shape of illusions that mirror their statistics. His other spells recognition on buffing allies with speed, or in the case of his Lon Shell, granting an aura that radiates damage to enemies.

⋆⋆⋆ Dark Seer Abilities ⋆⋆⋆

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Vacuum : Dark Seer creates a vacuum over the target area that sucks in enemy units, disrupting them and dealing damage.

Ion Shell : Surrounds the target unit with a bristling shield that damages enemy units in an area around it.

Surge : Charges a target friendly unit with power, giving it a brief burst of maximum movement speed.

Wall of Replica : Raises a wall of warping light that slows and creates replicas of any enemy hero who crosses it. Enemy replicas serve at the Dark Seer's will. Replicas last until they are destroyed, or until the wall's duration ends.




Disruptor is a ranged intelligence hero who requires precise positioning to use his competencies efficaciously. His signature ability is Kinetic Field, a pseudo-disable that traps enemies inside a small region for an extended duration. combined with his Static Storm.

Disruptor can act as the initiator for a teamfight, or supplement his teammates' initiation very well. Glimpse is any other powerful spell that forces enemies to watch their movements, as Disruptor can easily drag them back to a preceding area to be focused down. Thunder Strike presents Disruptor with a few dependable single-target harm, but greater importantly grants vision at the goal to prevent jukes and escapes.

⋆⋆⋆ Disruptor Abilities ⋆⋆⋆

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Thunder Strike : Repeatedly strikes the targeted unit with lightning. Each strike damages nearby enemy units in a small radius. Provides vision of its target.

Glimpse : Teleports the target hero back to where it was 4 seconds ago. Instantly kills illusions.

Kinetic Field : After a short formation time, creates a circular barrier of kinetic energy that enemies can't pass.

Static Storm : Creates a damaging static storm that also silences all enemy units in the area for the duration. The damage starts off weak, but increases in power over the duration.


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