Charmander Community Day 2020 recap! Lucky Giratina

in #gaming4 years ago


This weekend the monthly Community Day in Pokémon GO took place. Which ran from 11 am through 5 pm local time. I've been a bit busy and that's why I couldn't post any earlier, but I did have time to play during the event! Charmander already has a Community Day back in 2018, so it's the second time it has one now. Recently Niantic has been allowing us to vote on 4 Pokémon for the next 2 Community Days, and when we got that vote in August, Porygon and Charmander got the most votes. So we had Porygon Community Day last month and then Charmander this month.

Back in 2018 Charizard learned the Charged Attack Blast Burn when evolved during the Community Day. This time it could learn the Fast Attack Dragon Breath when evolved during or up to two hours after the event. That's quite interesting as Mega Charizard X becomes Flying- and Dragon-type which means it gets a damage boost during its Mega Evolution from the Dragon Breath, and it already has access to Dragon Claw as a Charged Attack. Unfortunately that means you do have to Mega Evolve it which only lasts for 8 hours and requires Mega Energy. The move itself might also be interesting for PvP in Great and/or Ultra League.

I'm really curious what will happen in December if they do something from all the past Community Days. Will Charizard learn both Dragon Breath and Blast Burn, or will each move have its own day, or might it even be possible that the Pokémon from 2018 won't be in this year's December Community Day Weekend? What do you think?

During this Community Day you could once again purchase a Community Day ticket for a Special Research called A Tale of Tails. It costs $0.99 or equivalent in local currency. This comes with a few items like Incense, Poffin, Rocket Radar, Rare Candies and also Charizard Mega Energy, Stardust and Encounters with Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard.
There was also a Limited Research available for everyone found under the Today view which required to Power Up some Pokémon, catch some Charmander and make some Nice throws for 300 Charizard Mega Energy.

Limited and Special Research.png

In the next screenshot you can see my Charmeleon and Charizard encounters from the Limited Research. I left out the Charmander ones as they were also not that great IV wise. I evolved the Charmeleon into Charizard too because for the next step you had to evolve a Charmeleon.

Charmelon and Charizard Tale of Tails.png

Within the first hour of the Community Day we saw a Giratina Raid in the shopping street. So a few of us decided to walk there and do that Raid, while maintaining some social distance. It was surprisingly busy in the shopping street. At the location of the Gym we could luckily spread out a bit. After the Raid I became Lucky Friends with one of the friends I was with, so we traded a Giratina. Here you can see the Lucky Giratina I received. Unfortunately it's not that great IV wise.

Lucky Trade Giratina.png

In like the last two hours we were walking around a bit further from the city center where we usually walk around. So we could spin some extra Field Research Tasks from the Pokéstops there. With like half an hour left we were walking back through the shopping street to go spin those at the local park too, then we suddenly saw someone posting a 100% Charmander in our Raids group. We asked where he caught it, he told us the area. Not the exact area as he wasn't sure of the exact area, and he also added he had no idea if it was wild or an Incense spawn. Still, with the chance of it being a wild spawn we walked there instead of to the local park. Funny that was also the location we were mostly walking around in for the first half of the event. Once we were there we kept walking while all three of us checking wild Charmander to see if we could find one with 392 CP like the one that was posted in the group chat.

AND WE FOUND IT!! This was at about 15 minutes left of the event. That was a really nice end to event! I immediately evolved it into Charizard so it knows Dragon Breath. Which will be azmazing to use as a Mega Charizard X every now and then. I decided to also evolve my highest IV Shiny Charmander from the event, so I have one Shiny Charizard that knows Dragon Breath.

100 and shiny Charmander evolved.png

Other than that one I had one more 2* Shiny Charmander, the others were all 1* or 0* for their IVs. We had no Sunny Weather in game the whole event long, so there were no Weather Boosted spawns, which decreased the chance of high IV wild spawns compared to during Porygon Community Day.

I ended up catching 20 Shiny Charmander during this event. Which you can see in the next screenshot. I forgot to take a screenshot on the day itself so I added "&age-7" to my search to get all the recently caught ones. Then in the screenshot next to it I just searched for all Shiny Charmander and its evolutions, which returns 28 results as I had 8 Shiny Charmander during its Community Day back in 2018.

Shiny Charmander.png

It's been a great Community Day for sure thanks to that 100% Charmander. A decent amount of Shinies too, and I got quite some Stardust thanks to the 3x Catch Stardust bonus. I don't have an exact number but I caught at least 500 Charmander during the event! After the event I also evolved one Charmander to Charizard that might have PvP potential so I'd have a Charizard with Dragon Breath for that just in case. Also holding onto one in case they can learn both Dragon Breath and Blast Burn in December.

How did your Community Day go? Did you catch any great IV and some nice Shinies?

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