Magic: The Gathering - Pauper Commander Deck 1

in #games8 years ago

This is my venture into the world of Pauper Commander. A friend of mine suggested trying out this format earlier this year, and this is the deck I built. I was refining my Bruna Voltron deck at the time, so an enchantment-heavy deck sprang to mind. Pauper Commander is a variant using an uncommon creature as a general and 99 common cards for the rest of the deck. The card choices are restricted compared to a standard Commander deck, and cards that would be otherwise set aside become worthwhile considerations. There are too many such cards to list them all, but a look at the white enchantments in the Bruna deck versus this one should offer some idea of what I mean.

I did no research into the meta of the game, but it appears after my more recent cursory research that Underworld Coinsmith is a fairly popular general. Like this blogger, I also considered using Agent of Masks but decided the Coinsmith offered better value over time, and I may modify the deck after reading up on the synergies other players have found.

Underworld Coinsmith

The commander's life gain effect improves the value of these enchantments, and his life drain secondary abilityboosts the damage output of the creatures. Enchantments can be applied to anything on the field, but this does allow a voltron-style commander assault if they are focused on the Coinsmith instead of being distributed elsewhere. The best strategy depends on the opponent's deck. There are also flying creatures that can benefit from boosted attack since they can often evade an opponent's defenses, after all.

I haven't playtested this deck extensively, but it performed surprisingly well against standard Commander decks in one three-player trial run. I am tempted to build some more decks and seriously delve into this format.

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