Cat gets a shock from the mouse - funny video as the cat does NOT get the mouse. (Funny mascot)

in #funnypets7 years ago (edited)

Here is a video of our cat getting the shock of her life when she tries to get our mouse. Look at the funny jumping gesture the cat makes.

The story in the video.

Our neighbour’s cat adopted us. Her name is “Mau Mau”.

I know we should not have fed this lovely cat. Feeding someone else’s cat is like giving sweets to their children. Anyway, that’s what happened.

The cat became our owner. She owned us, not the other way round. The cat was now our pet.

She started to bring us presents. Cats bring presents to their owners. Dead mice, dead birds, sometimes live ones.

She would saunter into our house proudly carrying her prize. We were horrified, but the cat did not understand. We often had to tell the cat not to bring any mice into our home.

One day the cat brought a live mouse into the house, but it escaped. We could hear the mouse somewhere under our fridge, but it was impossible to see it or find it. The kitchen furniture and fridge are “built-in”. There is no way to move anything. The mouse lived happily under the fridge for weeks but we could never see it, just hear it.

We left the cat in the kitchen, hoping she would catch the mouse. She couldn’t catch it either.

Eventually, we set a harmless trap to try and catch the mouse. The trap is a box- trap, with a one-way door. The mouse can enter but cannot exit. The trap does no harm to the mouse.

In order to watch what happened, I set up some Arlo cameras. (See below for info about Arlo security cameras).

It took several nights before the mouse went in the trap. The mouse could see the food (nuts), but could not get to it without entering the trap door. The mouse was very wary of the trap. Eventually the mouse went into the trap.

We put the mousetrap in the garden while we discussed what to do with the mouse. We gave it food and water.

We planned to take it into the forest to let it go free.

Then the cat discovered the trap, and wanted to get the mouse inside. The cat could not get the mouse.

Eventually the cat tried to squeeze her paw through the mouse door, but got her paw stuck. As the cat pulled her paw away, the metal trap made a loud scraping noise on the concrete floor. The cat tried to run away, but the metal trap followed her and frightened the cat even more. WATCH WHAT HAPPENS!

My wife heard the loud noise and came out to see what happened. You can see the cat looking very guilty.

We decided to take the mouse into the woods and let him go safely. Lucky escape Mr. Mouse!

This video was filmed by me using multiple Arlo security cameras. Arlo cameras are battery operated WIFI security cameras which can be activated by a movement. They work in colour in daytime and infra-red black and white at night.

If you have a funny photo or video of your pet, join this new contest by @karlin with prize money. I will add prize money of SBD 25 to @karlin’s first prize to increase the prize for the winner.

To see more like this click here #funnypet


Well this was hilarious to say the least.
Laying a harmless trap and letting the mouse go in the end was very kind.

I saw a thing moving in the background when the cat was playing with the trap and it made me curious. What was that bluish thing?

And btw

Here is a video of our cat getting the shock of his life when she tries to get our mouse. Look at the funny jumping gesture the cat makes.

I think you should replace "his" with "her".

letting the mouse go in the end was very kind.

I think so! I agree! +1 :)

@syedumair. Thank you very much for spotting the gender mistake. Now corrected. The truth is I am never sure if it a boy or a girl.

We usually address a cat as a girl.
I don't know why but I have never seen anyone calling them a boy cat.

@syedumair yes, that so true cat's name in Nigeria are so so feminine in hearing.
There's one I know of, they call her jenny🐈

If you have a funny photo or video of her, you can enter the contest by @karlin
The details of the contest are in the above post.

Hahahaahahahahhaah, a male or female would do dear. Boy or girl are used for the humam race.

@syedumair Good day to you.
The bluish thing has gotten me curious 😂😂.
The poor network connection at my end has denied me in watching the the cat and the rat play.

The bluish thing is a Bosch robo-mower.

I found this video so funny and adorable also.

(1) I found the mouse so funny and cute. she is even more funny in the trap box while eating those food.

(2) When the Cat tries to insert its paw into the trap box it reminded me one of my childhood incident when I had a pet cat and she also used to act this way. Have look at the tail of cat while trying to get into the trap box, its really funny and adorable too.

(3) The theme of this video is so nice and a connection towards other creature and humanity is also being tried to established : at the end the mouse is set free and also the act of cat towards the mouse in the trap box is captured in this video which is funny and humorous and the background music added the perfect flavour.

(4) I love watching this short video again and again and this kind of video reminds our childhood days when we also act somewhat this way with cat or other pets also and if we capture those moments during childhood days and see it again when we get older, then definitely it gives a big smile on our face.

Thank you @swissclive for bringing back my old memories through this video and today I miss my pet cat sop much and also remembering a lot after watching this video.

Have a great day.

Dear @swissclive, thanks for sharing this and I am left with great nostalgia, God bless the works of your hands

For starters..
I had never heard of arlo cameras till now...
Good thing I stooped by.. I just learnt something new...

Plus the video cracked me so hard. I felt like I was watching a real life version of one of Walt Disney's creations...

And the background music was the icing in the cake..

Can't stop laughing..I absolutely love it.

Thanks so much for the nice comments!

The trap does not harm to the mouse.

Thank you for using such traps.

The mouse was very wary of the trap

Clever mouse.

We put the mousetrap in the garden while we are discussing what to do with the mouse. We gave it food and water.

Great! Carefully :)

We decided to take the mouse into the woods and let him go safely.
Lucky escape Mr. Mouse!

For me it's read and see is nice and important. Although I do not know what Mr. expects. Mouse in the forest, but still happy that he did not understand the unequivocal outcome ...

I could not write a comment yesterday, although I wanted it as soon as the post came out. It's a pity. Thank you for the video and post!

I am very happy for the impulse that @karlin will receive in his contest of funny pets, on Friday we had an activity of my contest drcenando with @ @marsella-2017 it was all a success. the winner came from the capital to dive with us, tomorrow I will be writing the publication.

the winner of this contest will be very lucky.
It hurts that I can not participate, my pet is very ugly. hehehehehe

Your pet is ugly? Maybe a tortoise, or a lizard?

hehehe we have turtles at home, and flopy is the only dog ​​we have. I haved a anaconda and a python.

the pet I'm referring to is a donkey that lives in the country, unfortunately I can not take it home.

What I have noticed is that Cat's among animals ALWAYS, tend to own their owners (Ironic, I know right?)

It's funny how the cat gets scared by what itself does while trying to drag it.

My girlfriend has a cat at her place and the cat has owned all the members of the family, She is eye candy for everyone and everyone gives her so much attention, it's unbelievable.

This is a picture of me with the cat(uploading the picture with permission):35897a71-6b31-4352-b79f-728e20a38e32.jpg

Wow...The cat must have been salivating for the mouse's blood. What a struggle.
This is true about life. We don't always get what we want. Some things just seem unreachable, no matter how much one struggles.
Nice video @swissclive. I love it, and I laughed and laughed.

I really liked the video so much that it was very funny especially when the cat jumped
I also liked the statue of the cock .
Why did you allow the mouse to go? He can go back, and if he does not return, he will enter another house. I think you should have given it to the cat.

Mouse is a very long way from any building in the forest. I think he was eaten by an owl.

I do not think so
I prefer to let the mouse eat it instead of releasing it
I also have a funny video of a cat playing with a mouse , I will participate in this challenge and you will like the video .

Thank you for this wonderful video I mocked the ridiculous cartoons of Tommy and Jerry.
I found a cat with a piece of karton and sat on it and looked at his neck for a while. Maybe the mouse went out of his mind and stayed in his hole.

I know we should not have fed this lovely cat. Feeding someone else’s cat is like giving sweets to their children. Anyway, that’s what happened.

Hehehe, I never knew cats were friendly . I have always known them to be sadists. Seeing that it got attaches to you guys simply coz you fed him is surprising . A friend of mine told me of how the got a cat that was a lil grown and the cat refused eating the food given to him. It kept looking at every one and by the next morning they didn't see him again. It disappeared .

She would saunter into our house proudly carrying her prize. We were horrified, but the cat did not understand. We often had to tell the cat not to bring any mice into our home.

I wonder how the cat manages to bring back live meat to your house without having to eat them. And how so you guys tell the cat not to bring back those to your house ? Do u just speak English to it? Hehehe that's funny.

The mouse lived happily under the fridge for weeks but we could never see it, just hear it.

Hahahahahhahahaha how did you guys live comfortably with a mice in your house? I would have packed out if I were the one. guys should have just called those who could kill the rat or fumigate the house . Why did you want the rat alive?

The cat tried to run away, but the metal trap followed her and frightened the cat even more. WATCH WHAT HAPPENS!

Hahahahahhahahaha this is hilarious ...cats can fear ehh

My wife heard the loud noise and came out to see what happened. You can see the cat looking very guilty.

Owk this got me wife? @swissclive I tot your are a lady. #MouthAgape

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