Thugs and Ustad - Adult funny story

in #funny7 years ago


One when the thugs (udin) are most feared in the village come to a cleric ....

Udin: "pak ustad ... I want to repent ... how to do ...?"

Ustad: "alhamdulillah .... finally lu repent also din .... yeah lu stay all the disobedience .. follow his command and keep all his prohibitions ..."

Udin: "but pak ustad ..... there is one person who want him bener bener my forgive .... that is my mother ... i have much hurt my mother .. please tell me pak ustad ..... .. "

Ustad: "ya udah .. gini aje ... ntar kan lu go home .... until u lu wash tuh feet feet lu ..trus water used cuciannye lu drink ... most people used to be so .. let more Sure aje ...

"Thank you Mr. Ustad ...!" Said udin while kissing the hands of ustad pack

A week later the ustad pack meet again udin ... they walk together to the same mosque for prayer isya

Ustad: "gimane already lu laksanain what I love to know ...?"

Udin: "ustad pak ...."

Ustad: "How do you keep your heart ... more calm ...?"

Udin: "my heart is more calm pack ustad .... just me in hospital 3 days in RS ..."

"How come so .....?" Asked Pak Ustad

"Gini ceritanye ... A week after I met Pak ustad I went home to meet my mother .. but my mother was not there at home so I wait aja he in front of the house while putting a basin of water beside me ..."

"Then ...?" Asked ustad pack full of investigation

"Well .. after I wait a while .. finally my mother came home .. I immediately welcome and I kiss her hand ... I am sitting my mother in the chair that I have prepared .... Initially I hesitate to do what ustad ordered ... but because the determination was unanimous I still carry out although eventually my mother angry angry ...

"Why is your mother angry ...?

"It turns out at that time the mother came home from the fields ... and the mother stopped first to the fish market is muddy because it rains ... keep the mother's legs also got into the slippery because .... well when heading home mother not accidentally nginjek tai kebo Still anget ... hence initially I hesitate because the water used black laundry and a lot of fibers ... but because it already intention yaa I drink it

The ustad finally laughed giggly until his wudhunya canceled because the bottom joined laughing (fart) .... "why lu do not wash my mother's foot tuh ..... kalo udah clean dah ..." while continuing to laugh

Ahh ... !! his ustad is not talking ... !! replied the udin while walking faster towards the mosque .... "luckily I already insyaf ...." he thought again

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