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RE: President Donald Trump To Be Impeached -- Serious Charges Could Land The World Leader Behind Bars

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

why don;t you like him :D , I used to watch him a lot for half a ear or so , yeah :| better not fix my typing i seems correct :D , so yeah he's really pushing his agenda strongly ,and swamping with "information" maybe it's too much and his character is a bit edgy I agree , but still , he's ok .

Can't say that I cared , even hated the fact he got on the Trump boat and spammed videos to infinity, but I guess politics without philosophy isn't a good place :| , not that he's a political person , but I'm sure hes listened to by voters .5 % :D maybe , random number ..

Evening from me and good day to you probably :D


I have watched a fair few of his videos, even since the formation of my distaste for him. I still feel that he can provide useful information at times.

I just find him to be somewhat megalomaniacal, and very condescending. I have watched a few of his debates and he can be a right cunt when he feels he is winning, and when someone else makes a point he does not know how to rebut, he just responds with excessive bloviation in an effort to sound more intelligent than he really is.

I can only assume that he considers his viewers to be so far beneath him in terms of intelligence, that he expects no one to notice that he is rambling on about a completely unrelated subject, just because he is using lesser known words and phrases.

I'm no psychologist, but my personal observation of the man has led me to believe that he values himself solely on his mental capacity. If he feels his intelligence is being questioned, he lashes out and acts like a child. If he feels that he is looking like the really intelligent man that he believes he is, he cannot help but use it as an excuse to belittle anyone that he feels isn't on that same level of intellect.

In short, he's just not a particularly nice person. He could do with some compassion.

Well ok, but it would be nice if you would show an argument :)
e.g. like this:

Because you don't discuss with Stefan but with his numbers/statistic, if you say he has to big personality then ok maybe, but you dont address facts that he shows... so can you show me with his numbers and FACTS are wrong??? Usually he is precise and he checks and shows his sources for the numbers.

@worldfacts, I don't really have the time to be sourcing examples of what I mean. That's quite a task and I see no reason to commit to it. I am not trying to convince anyone to dislike him. Everyone should make up their own mind based on their own observations.

I was merely explaining my problems with him, in response to an inquiry.

Also, sharing a video in itself is not presenting evidence in an argument. You would need also to break down the video and explain why the video is relevant. Hence why I am reluctant to sacrifice my time to do so.

Yeah wisdom is in a different place from academic pursuits and intelligence.

He is taking the wisdom is virtue maxim to a long stretch and believes himself to be a authority figure responsible for his actions , sure he comes out blunt and sometimes as you've stated and I agree , he has a high disregard for the causes of other people "following their heart " and "gut" , he just views them as lesser beings , not understanding enough and such and such , which from my view is not the case , he is pushing his agenda , got me into philosophy for a bit , liked his inputs , but I have to say I've always "hated" him in a way too , always laughed with him when he points out discrepancies , but understanding and intelligence don't translate to wisdom and understanding always. Too many processes to go through.

Anyway it's his fault his completely against most not mainstream ideas , I understand his reasoning, but he misses the causes sometimes , or is unable to change anything which is normal , anyway I like him , because he has helped me get a different view of problems and a more grounded one.

Apart from that , I agree 80% with him ,so I respect him on those 80% i would act differently 40 of which. So i fully agree with him , but yeah :D figure it out if there is some sense in my thoughts :D Double think to the maximum :D

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