Have You Smiled Today? #21

in #fun7 years ago

Time for your Friday dose of "Have You Smiled Today?" #21

Penguins do not live in the North Pole, but it sure does feel like that is where I am living right now. It is freezing cold here. Did you know that penguins have their very own special day? Well now you do. For all of you penguin lovers, mark your calendars for April 25th; it is World Penguin Day. The coloration giving them their tuxedo look gives penguins camouflage to protect them while they are in water. Males and females look alike, but each penguin is born with a unique voice, which gives them the ability to recognize each other. Hope you learned something and smiled today.


Image Source: the shadyglade.blogspot.com

Information Source: thespruce.com


The first commercially cloned pet was a cat named "Little Nicky." He cost his owner $50,000, making him one of the most expensive cats ever.

Penguins are so adorable... Haven't seen one in person though... hahaha.. xDD

They are adorable and I wish you could see them in person. I have only seen them in the zoo and I just want to pick them up and kiss them! : )

Just wanted you to know that I am telling everyone that I won't be upvoting comments anymore until I get my slider. That way I will be able to visit more posts and give more upvotes.

I really hope so... If only I could keep them.. hahahaha xDD That'd be impossible in my country, though.. TT

Ohh Deb.. no worries!! ^^ That's a great option to choose. It'll help you save up your VP, too.. <3

Awe what a sweet Catgûin! or is that Penåt? 🐱 :-))
No Penguins here cept for zoo maybe.
We do have Puffins!
Ya look as cold as us up here down over there ➡
Brr Weather Map
🔥Some fire for warmth 🔥

I love those names! : ) Yup, I have only seen them in the zoo too. You have puffins? Are they wild or in the zoo?
Thanks for the fire...it feels great! LOL!

Just wanted you know that I am telling everyone that I will not be upvoting comments anymore until I get my slider. That way I will be able to upvote more posts. See yours soon! : )

I've not seen any Puffins yet but there are
some on the other side the mountains
towards the Kenai Fjords.

My husband did a post about how to use a
Slider bar on the steemworld site b4 getting
your slider bar. I should start using it as I'm
real low on steem power and strength.
There is just to many awesome people and
posts to vote on syndrom lol

I didn't know your husband was a Steemian too! That's great! I will definitely check out his post. Thanks! : )

I learned it's cold were you are.

It figures you would say something like that. LOL!

Just wanted you to know that I am telling everyone that I will not be upvoting comments anymore until I get my slider. That way I will be able to upvote more posts. See your soon. : )

Yes always dear

I know that I don't have to worry about you smiling and that is a good thing! : ) : ) : )

Just wanted you to know that I am not upvoting comments anymore until I get my slider. That way I will be able to upvote more posts. See ya soon! : )

Agree with you...see you...:)

I have never seen penguins in real life, just on TV.

I hope that one day you do see them in real life. I see them at the zoo and they are adorable. : )

:D I love them. And now I learned something new about them ;)

They sure are adorable and I am happy to hear that you learned something new. : )

So cute kitty. :D

Cute just like penguins! : )

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